What are the real limits of halo forge?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Blazen Nite, Mar 2, 2008.

  1. Blazen Nite

    Blazen Nite Ancient
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    ok, so bungie gave us foundry which is a revolution for the forging community. Is that the max they could give us though? Could they not release a patch to make items infinite? or how about some kind of colorful lighting to put in places? Could they not give us textures to overlay stuff with? Could they not give us tiny little immovable shapes that we can create huge structures out of with?

    what are the REAL limits of forge and what creates the confines?

    I just want to get a perspective on what is possible for bungie to give us but won't, and what is impossible to receive even if they wanted to.
  2. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    Unlimited items - I doubt anyone would want that because it would create maps that are huge in file size and would have insanely long loading times.
  3. LethalAftermath

    LethalAftermath Ancient
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    Its all possible, but bungie has other stuff to do.
  4. Bllasae

    Bllasae Ancient
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    No, you got it wrong. The real revolutionary thing about Forge is that you can build things, with walls, and not with barrels and stuff. That's why it's used so often. If Bungie makes another couple of maps with walls and stuff, I can guarantee that the Halo 3 Forging community will be a lot happier.
  5. xCrosseyesx

    xCrosseyesx Ancient
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    I like the idea of overlaying textures and small shapes. As for infinite items, I think that they should increase the budget by a couple hundred per map, as well as take off limitations of the number of a single object available throughout the map.

    As for tiny, immovable shapes, that gives me another idea.

    In the "X>X" dialog box, Bungie should SO have an "immutable" ticker box. That would make my day a million times over.

    Placeable death & bouncy barriers would be cool too, but you'd have to watch out 'cause nubs can do really annoying stuff with that kind of power.

    But quite possibly the greatest suggestion for forge I've ever heard...

    "Seriously WTF. They could at least have some kind of 90 degree snapping feature. I just want to place a f*cking wall!" ~The Arbiter/DigitalPh33r

    All of these, except possibly the last one, are indeed possible. Bungie is very involved in their fanbase, more than any other game company, and they have done so much for us in the past. Forge to Bungie is like the iPhone to Apple; they give us an OS that has very strict limitations, yet nearly endless possibilites. And then like adding a few extra apps to the iPhone was like Bungie giving us Foundry. They take all of our complaints and suggestions, address one...possibly two of them, and think we'll be happy. I've jailbroken my iPhone and seen what it is TRULY capable of, surely endless possibilites lie in the forge system behind the wall of bi*chery created by Bungie, unfortunately that one cannot be torn down.

    Bungie really needs to address the forging community. I'm starting to not want to be so nice about this.
  6. Ferretness

    Ferretness Ancient
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    I think that forge3 will just keep getting batter, I believe that bungie will meet the peoples expectations, but I guess only time can tell...
  7. BanditK

    BanditK Ancient
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    bungie just need to keep relesing updates for foundry relesing new itens and scenery etc.
  8. LethalAftermath

    LethalAftermath Ancient
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    It would really be nice to have an infinite budget without worrying about deleting stuff and storing unused objects in giant heaps.
  9. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    I begin to think there isn't... I been coming up with some new maps with a forge group... many of which will be posted after all the contests and tournaments at the moment......it wouldn't get much cover till then...

    There is going to be a new level of forge once the new maps come out also...

    The real limits to forge ... is object size and there relationships... IE height and there color...
  10. Project XZS

    Project XZS Ancient
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    Actually, you can make infinite objects. Just activate a certain code with debug mode.
  11. DrAyMeHr

    DrAyMeHr Ancient
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    would an undo button be so hard!! i mean whenever im forging, i accidently delete the most vital, hardest to place piece of the map, so then i have to spend ages getting it back, when really would it be so hard to have an "undo" button to get it back. That is my main complaaint about forging on halo 3!
  12. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I'd like to see a wall setup similar to a spawn area. You can adjust the width, height and length of the wall (simple texture) and move accordingly. Just like spawn areas it would be able to merge with existing map geometry.
  13. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    Are you being serious? I always thought was something to do with getting rid of bugs in game but that you'd need some extra software on the 360.
  14. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I'd certainly be interested in hearing more about this....
  15. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    It would completely change forgery if it were possible. You make maps entirely from open boxes, or fence walls! At the moment I doubt it can be done.

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