INQUIZITER (in-quiz-i-ter) Gametypes supported: slayer- 1v1 team slayer- 2v2 CTF- 2v2 Info: Inquiziter is a small foundry map that is entirly enclosed and absolutly no way out even in forge. I got the idea mostly from the map Salvation (made by ponydx) and it is fast pase and fun. For any who has helped me test this map thank you and improvments have been made. Number of players recomended: For slayer it is recomended 1v1. For team slayer it is recomended 2v2. For CTF no more then 3v3, 2v2 works best. Download map Download gametype There is a roof to the map just deleted it for pictures... Pictures: Red base (on CTF) Blue base (on CTF) Middle area pictures: Both bases look the same (teleporters go to the middle) Blue base tunnel Red base tunnel Overviews of the map Teleporters bring you to one of the boxes on either side of the middle. Thank you for viewing my post and hope you download and enjoy the map.
I like the concept of the map but it seems to campy. Capture the Flag might work but for slayer, it's too campy. If there were multiple paths to get to the middle that would make it interesting.
well the layout is prety origanal.not many people make a competitive maze.Is there a roof in some parts, beacause it looks easily escapeable. the sword seems to powerfull,buts thats just by looking at th pics.try a shotty with no spare clips and a long respawn.3/5
I'm guessing that you took those pictures with the roof off.Im too thrilled with in door maps but this map has a nice look to it and the sword part is pretty sick.What is in the hole with the sword though? Nice map,keep it up
Well to answer your questions guys, 1. yes there is a roof. 2. the sword is somewhat powerfull but there are 2 shotguns with no extra ammo at each base. 3. you would think it is campy but it really isnt because I have it so that it is pretty crazy and you dont know where the person will be coming from. So there is like really no camping...yes some people will try but they fail.
looks really fun! and yeah, it doesnt seem campy to me, since players can com from many directions. i think you should put a sword on each side of the middle area though, to make it even, or put the sword floating in the middle of the shield-hole - (also, where does this lead? bottomless pit perhaps =D ) i think this would be really fun - id dl if my friends only like to play customs ='( -also, maybe take the warthog out, it seems much to hard to drive, and easily hijackable, but you can probably prove me wrong
The warthog is for scenary and you cant get to it and there is only 1 sword on the map... And if you looked at my previous post i do say that i have a roof just deleted it for pictures...
Looks really good I would say this is one of the best I have seen in a long time. Keep up the good work 5/5...oh and for the people who said build a roof you guys dont look that closly to the pictures you can see there is a roof in the top pictures.
wow....this map is really small. The fighting must be intense even with 1v1. Idk. I don't think that this map lends itself to much strategy but rather just outright fast paced action. I think with a map like this, you can add some more aesthetics easily.
it looks really clean and the interlocking is amazing, but the map seems to be lacking in variety. By variety, i mean that there are only 1 or 2 ways to get to a location. usually that is a bad thing but ill dl and see for myself.
to get to the middle there is 4 different ways and to get to each base there is 1 way which makes it more interesting and more intense which is why i built it that way...and the map is the way the map is...i might be making a v2 and make it 2 levels and have more ways into things...idk yet so just bare with this amazing peice of work and enjoy it.
It looks too narrow and easy to get out of. The interlocking looks clean..ish. However, there is nothing to make me want to download it. Try and add some variety.
Do you people ever acually read the thread or do you just look at the pictures. I even told you, you cant get out even in forge because there is a roof and its suppose to be narrow for 1v1. your not going to be driving a freaking tank in there. your going to be walking. Acually read the thread before you post and maybe you will acually like it.
Well, I read the post and you should add a weapons list with respawn rates and clip amounts. With such a small map, I definitly need to know whats going on weapon wise. I like the concept but, depending on the budget and if you glitched it, you could have done a lot more with layout. With it being so small, there should be plenty of items to extend this map. Especially with it being only one level. Definitly add a level in V2, like you said. AND POST A WEAPON LIST! Then I will download.
I really dont see how just having a weapons list will make you do know you can download it and look at what weapons are on the map. But im going to guess your just to lazy to do that.
It doesn't look the sword should be in that map, you could get easy multi-kills with that. I don't know though i will have to test it out.
Thats why there is shotguns on the on each side. Overall everything is balanced out. And the sword is on a longer reswapn then any other weapon so trust me it equals itself out.
This looks really good but like you said it should only be used for 1v1 or the most 2v2. but otherwise this looks really good. 4.5/5 Keep forging!