
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Deathhawk, Dec 19, 2008.

  1. Deathhawk

    Deathhawk Ancient
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    Hey, welcome to my second map post on Forgehub.

    I probably spent only 5 hours on this map. But don't let that discourage you. I did plan and think it out, and merge. (Some stuff wasn't necessary to merge and looks just as clean, if not better.)
    Now, without further ado, here's the story:

    A new type of Zombie, called "GraveRisers" have, well, risen out of their graves. But these are special zombies. They can break into banks, the pentagon, anything and everything. Why? They can dig.
    They dig up below any building basement then slowly tear through the floor with their sharp claws. The people in an attacked building are taken by surprise, and usually exterminated. You are put in this scenario, where, along with your teammates, must be dynamic to prevent the GraveRisers from killing you, and taking the Hostel you are in.

    A two story, long building that has differnt rooms (Not just cookiecutter cubicals) and a basement. Hidden weapons line
    he walls.

    fyi: (H) means hidden also: Some of the hidden weapons will be downstaris in the basement.

    Carbine X2 (Hidden)
    Shotgun X2 (1 Hidden)
    Gravity Hammer X1 (Easily findable)
    Human Turret x1
    Plasma rifle x1
    Spiker x2
    Sentinal Beam x1 (Hidden)
    Needler X1
    Human Sniper X1 (Hardest weapon to find)
    Plasma Grenades X2 (Respawn: 10 seconds)
    Flamethrower X1
    Flare X1
    SMG X3 (2 Easily findable)
    Spawns weapons: Battlerifle / Pistol
    The humans do not have infinite ammo, but the last man does.

    HOSTEL revolvs around Teamwork. That might be Team Camping in a room, or guarding the stairs/elevator in squads. Or, rushing the campers together.

    Here's something to think about: There is usually only 1 or two zombies at the start. I've only survived the 6 minutes once, with a partner. Never have I alone.
    The zombies die realativly fast, but the gametype works perfectly with the map. The zombies have good cover.




    Secret Shotty Spawn

    Human spawn.

    The top floor (Roof removed)

    The basement/zombie spawn

    The staris. There is an Elevator that doesn't work that well on
    the opposite side.

    Carbine spawns







    Forgot the download.

    DOWNLOAD THE MAP : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details

    DOWNLOAD THE GAMETYPE : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
    #1 Deathhawk, Dec 19, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2008
  2. Yevah

    Yevah Ancient
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    This looks good to be infection, i mean most infection maps now in day are cats n mouse, or 1 person trapped in a cage. Its cool too see something new. Im glad you took off the roof in that one picture it showed off the map more. You did pretty good with the interlocking though, it look nice. The name could be more catchy though. That names been used a lot. I like how just about everything is interlocked though. Good job man 4/5
  3. bobsagetismyhro

    bobsagetismyhro Ancient
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    it looks great, but I wouldn't say where the secret shotty is because now its not a secret and ruins the fun, anyway it looks a little too weapon overloaded

    AKILLYEZ Ancient
    Senior Member

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    seems pritty cool. i would just have to ask if it is escapable cause it realy seems quite easy to jump out of this one. The map seems fun and basic. what gametype would you prefer us to play on this one. besides infection. did you alow the map to support any other gametypes?
  5. Deathhawk

    Deathhawk Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sorry, forgot the download link. I added that.

    And no, this is impossible to escape. If you are thinking of the roof, I removed it for the pictures.

    Also, your right, I changed the title to "GraveRisers"
  6. Elvinator 1994

    Elvinator 1994 Ancient
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    Looks very good, nice interlocking skills and it seems pretty robust (sp?)
  7. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Hey glad you added a download link to this lol
    Ya the only problem i see is that i think you can escape, and that wouldn't be too cool when playing on this map

    looks good though
  8. HandiCappKill3r

    HandiCappKill3r Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I kind of like the feel to this looks sort-of spooky.The map looks pretty clean and smooth.Probably 1 of the better infection maps i've seen on forgehub in a while.Nice post and Good job on the map

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