An MLG Beginner

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Halostar317, Oct 16, 2008.

  1. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Orange is right.

    Any sensitivity and controller setup is fine so long as you get used to it.

    Everyone has something they like. Mine at the moment is 3, but i used to play just as good at 7.

    Like anything, skill comes from experience. I can help you find the way you should be playing, which will definately allow you to pick up in skill very fast. You should also be always trying to play against people better than you. This gives you a challenge and allows you to track your improvements.

    You can add me if you want - Kondense
  2. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Or in my case, frustrate the hell out of you and make you cry like a little girl.
  3. KB

    KB Ancient
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    Dude its simple. Practice and experience. After you play a good player or something, go into theater and watch his tatics and learn from what you did wrong and what he did right. As far as BR skills go, low sensitivity (mine is 1), a good eye, and lots and lots and lots of practice. Yes that means you have to stop using your assault rifle to fit in your BR practice.
  4. domomd367

    domomd367 Ancient
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    (I'm no pro, by the way, but...)
    Well, first off, you have to have a Good BR. Obviously, this will be affected by how fast your connection is, but mine is very slow, but my BR is not too bad. Its as much about your movement as it is your accuracy. You moves must be unpredictable. For example, move left a little, right a lot, left a lot, jump, etc. You have to be hard to hit. Also, as there is no radar, so you should constantly be moving and checking around to make sure no-one is behind you. You have to be very aware of your surroudings, basically.

  5. Robbo

    Robbo Ancient
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    Its basically just practice. Try various button configurations to find one suitable to your style of play. Try find some people to play with aswell as paying close attention to pros. Watching there VoD's on MLG website ( can give you some essential tips.

    EDIT : Also like Matty says, play people better than you cos you will hardly improve playing people less skilled than yourself.
  6. Novak

    Novak Ancient
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    Watch every game you play in theatre... helps me a lot, I don't die very much anymore. Also check out this thread. It has links to every pros fileshare, it might help you to download some of their gameplay.
  7. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    Hey halostar I'll play with you were about the same rank and I can teach you some tactics my GT is Hall0w1nTeH3ad

    BTW use strafing to dodge bullets by going side to side movements and occasionally throw in a jump or a crouch.
  8. Love Slice

    Love Slice Ancient
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    Most people play on 3 or 4, but just play on whatever feels comfortable to you. If you're having problems keeping your reticle on someone, try turning down the sensitivity.

    Also, try playing on "Bumper Jumper." It's a control setup. It is way better than default.
  9. RaVNzCRoFT

    RaVNzCRoFT Ancient
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    Always take that shot, even if you have no chance of following up to get a kill.

    Shields recharge slower in MLG, so you'd be surprised how long your shields stay down. Even laying just one shot on an enemy can help out your teammate, who suddenly only needs 3 headshots for a kill while the enemy still needs 4.
  10. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Hmm my suggestions would first be find the right look sensitivity that fits you the best and i would practice on that setting. If you do not belive you are good on that setting try a different one.

    but as people say, Practice makes perfect.

    as insane said, download a shooting range, they may not sound helpful but they can help you with strafing

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