I made it for my profile page, but it turned out not to my liking. But I still think it's pretty cool.
Lol really, I call it some crazy ass **** but hey. Each to their own. Questions, how'd you make this. Program etc.. Inspiration? Are you currently intoxicated?
I agree on the crazy ass **** part. A few layers over each other. I used Photoshop and my inspiration I guess was the rank color of Iv0rY Snak3 (Retired; dark grey) It's too early to be intoxicated IMO. (in other words no)
I was thinking about putting more into, like color and stuff... but meh. Most of my photoshop works are trippy things like this. I could show them off if you'd like.
Ow... My eyes hurt now X_X It looks like a jumbled up pile of randomness infused in a shadow of flamboyancy.
Colors would only ruin it. You'd have a glass stained profile that way. Unless it consisted of only one color, but different shades, then don't do it.
yeah.. crazy.. and reaper is so lucky he got post of the month award!!! i dun like it much. it looks LQ in my opinion
I have one question far anyone not living above the influence: what does that look like when your high?
I didn't use the zig-zag tool btw. I used various layers and blending options with polar's. And to answer your question hellcown, it would look like the James Bond moving thing and then he'd shoot you and you'd freak out. >.>