Machinima: Looking for Body Actors We will be filming next Saturnday at 2:00 Eastern Central Time or GMT -5. The scene that will be acted is a heavy action scene. I'm looking for body actors that can listen to instructions and follow them out so that everything goes smoothly. I need fifteen players. I will be filming sometime over thanksgiving holiday. Probably the 28th or 29th. That all depends on whether I have the necessary players though. For armor you just need the starting armors that Halo gives you; CQB and Mark VI. Note: All participants will be credited. Filming postponed until enough actors are available Main Character Actors Pierson - Mark V, Default Body, Scout Shoulder, Hayabusa Shoulder Cobalt - EVA Helmet, Default Body, Security Shoulder, Hayabusa Shoulder 1. GreatDARKSHOT2 - Pierson 2. RynoHaZard - Cobalt Soldier Actors Soldiers - Default Armor 1. SavidaBeast 2. BRoy7Fan 3. Tahrrrf 4. NativExGuYx15 5. RicE sNak RozZ 6. Julian v24 7. PyroBoy778 8. stealthy dag 9. xAusTiN 10. xMBMAxPureEvil 11. Zap Happy 12. The BIack 13. Sageofice
oh, sorry. I aquired enough actors already. If anybody doesn't show up I will send you an invite though.
Ah, thats cool man, I have RRoD, But let me know when this hits Youtube or elsewhere, I would like to see it. Also, if you need anyone for a future episode, just call me up.