Gun n' run

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Project Halo, Dec 18, 2008.

  1. Project Halo

    Project Halo Ancient
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    If you have seen any of my previous threads you will know that i am currently making several maps and/or gametypes for you and your friends to have for that annoying moment in any custom games group where everyone says.."I don't have anything." or "Can we play something besides MLG Slayer?"

    If this happens to you, welcome.
    You're in the right place.
    I have maps, they're fun flavored.

    So enough of my long-winded and un-necessary intro.

    GUN N' RUN

    This map, along with it's rather out-of-the-box style of building, is playable with team games only, as follows:
    -Neutral assault
    -multi bomb
    -capture the flag
    -slayer BRs
    -slayer (There are no Br's on t3h map)
    -Team oddball

    Here r sum picturz.

    This is a base. If you didn't know that, may i suggest glasses.

    This is a slightly different view of the other base. If you didn't know that, it's okay.

    This is the sniper tower..i bet a well placed grenade could keep your resident sniper from having so much cover..

    I wasn't kidding.

    A turret. If you didn't know that, may i suggest suicide.

    My soopar awesum mega-leet architecturaly designed dubblebridges.

    That's all the pictures i have.
    The map isn't all that much but it plays VERY well.

    You can download it here if you so wish. : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details

  2. xDHxHAVOC

    xDHxHAVOC Ancient
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    Looks pretty good...but I rarely have those nothing to do moments...because for one dont play mlg (mlg = major loser gang) and I always have my stuff to play which is always fun...but this is nicly forged and well put...normally I would say a little bit more cover in the middle but im sure you put it like that for a reason...3/5 or 4/5 so 3.5/5... :)
  3. azn_dude1

    azn_dude1 Ancient
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    Nice layout. It's pretty original and I love the trucks. One small thing I suggest doing is merging the bridges in the center with the double boxes. Overall, great job.

    And suicide isn't funny. Neither are glasses.
  4. Theartofhalo2

    Theartofhalo2 Ancient
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    Flip the bridges that are on top, it will look better. I don't see anything in this map that actually sets it aside from other maps and makes me want to download it over others, no interesting terrain or fortifications. As for no BR's on the map, you cannot possibly have a sniper with no BR's, the balance of power is greatly shifted in the direction of the team or player that picks up the sniper, not to mention a pretty open map like this where medium range combat will be comon, a few BR's are needed.
  5. SoLo92

    SoLo92 Ancient
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    looks pretty smexy. i like the amout of move able objects. expecally the sniper cover thing, thats really creative. it seems really open though. maybe a few barriers would fix it up. over all 4.5/5
    btw, what party size u recomend?
  6. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    I personally don't like it, because it has some flaws in it.
    1) There's not enough cover and the map is very open.
    2) The sniper tower allows the sniper to hit anything on the map.
    3) There are no BR's to counter the sniper.

    My advice, make it bigger next time. Maybe expand the map to have somewhat of a second story. Either way, a bunch of high structures scattered around the map makes the map look good and it provides more cover. This map as it is now is about a 3/5.
  7. Map Editor

    Map Editor Ancient
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    That map looks like a nice map to play around with for a warm up match but i think you could have done better but still i like that it's not one sided.
  8. Project Halo

    Project Halo Ancient
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    thanks for the constructive criticism guys.

    My responses:

    You need more BR's - I agree it was late last night when i finished this and i was half asleep lol

    MOAR COVER - Help me find a place to put it o_O

    Bridge flipping - If the bridges were merged there'd be no room to jump through the two bridges

    Suicide isn't funny, neither are glasses - Like i said, i was half asleep when i posted this >_>

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