DoogNitized was actually the least geo-merged map featured in the past 3 months! Why you ask? Because it's floating in air! =P Sorry, I just had to butt in, lol.
Comments like this are a stain on this site. Post something constructive about the map and the way it plays or leave and never come back. There is no way in hell that you could tell how a game would play by looking at the pictures. No. Way. People need to stop posting about how pretty the pictures are and play some damned games on a map before commenting on how it plays. And geomerging just for the sake of doing so is stupid and a waste of time. I could care less how much of a bad-ass you think you are at shoving a box into a wall. It means absolutely nothing if I spend my time jumping around like an idiot trying to find more than one avenue of travel/escape. That being said, I still need to get a game on this so I won't/can't comment on how it plays. It's why I haven't shown this more love here or in the ATLAS thread. sadfayce
Not to bring up my map but..........pennyless, no geomerging, at all. Maybe one thing is accidentally geo=merged. =P
I played this when it was still called Helveticia 2 TGIF's ago. It was epic and the gameplay was nearly flawless. The aesthetics not as much but there still nice, great job LIGHTS and Creep1ng De4th
Thia map reminds me of cnostrictor. i downloadeeed this and it has a few fresh new ideas and the gameplay is great. its actually a pretty simple map but in a good way. You guys should keep forging together. =]
Yes I agree with you totally. btw I'm sorry if I'm about to repeat a point made by someone else, I only read this guys arguement with a mod. If they need to choose a featured map they will look at maps made by staff, because they are quite good all the time. Whenever I click on the latest thread in the community section, its some retard being annoying, and when it is a map, its someones first and not at all something I would even consider downloading. Maybe in the near future there will be a voting system if the moderators cannot make a decision easily, as I can see clearly that choosing a featured map is very difficult. If it doesn't we just have to look at this map and choose for ourselves if it is very good or not, and try and put forward the best maps that we find and hope for the best. The moderator does have a point though because they do choose non-staff forgers, but staff will ALWAYS have it easier to get featured. So just try and credit the mapmaker of transfussion, he'll get creditied by everyone eventually
I appreciate the concern. Transfusion is a great map and has been balanced better and the spawns have been improved. Public Servent knows he has a good map on his hands, and so does the Staff, especially me. Check his special thanks in his new version. He has nothing to worry about because the map will get it's due soon enough.
it looks amazing. and the gameplay looks awesome. but personally i like ramps better than having to jump twice to get up to the second level. it makes gameplay run smoother in my opinion.
I downloaded it like a good little boy, before I criticized. I like the map overall, though I do feel it might be a little small for anything over 4v4. I like the looks of it, though not my style it is skillfully done. It had several neat features that I like. Sadly I have not actually had a chance to play a real game, but I was able to fiddle around a bit on my own and it looks like a good pick for feature to me.
nice map it seems like a very good asymmetrical map with its high advantage points. which seems like alot of fun seems even and everything l;ooks well built 9/10 i well dl
Great use of the windows for aesthetic effect, I had almost forgotten about them after playing foundery so many times. In team slayer the gameplay became a bit unbalenced for the team that spawned on the left (windows) side. They were able to control the bubble shield and turrent camp very easily. In the games I played on this map, the team that claimed the sniper was able to turrent camp to buy time or effectively control the map if playing on a kill limit. Otherwise the gameplay flowed very well. In normal slayer the gameplay was less stagnat, anyone that attempted to camp quickly died, making for a face paced fun game. In both - good placement of power weapons neither team was able to gain an overwhelming advantage and the open map allowed the BR to counter the sniper in most cases. 4.5/5 - good job it was worth downloading
appreciate the feedback kosmos. Your issues in team slayer however are debunked when your team a team Try out some Land Grab or One Flag next time you load it up, as those gametypes are the heart of the map and what it was designed for first and foremost.
hey dude do u think u could come help me out with a map of mine its all finished just needs weapons and spawns do u think u could help?
I now have...ummm...lets see.... 5 versions of this map now, lol. I'm glad you're still striving for perfection even after the map has been featured.