What? The illegal alien thing is just bizarre. It's already illegal for many reasons. How does that support your argument in any way. Heart disease is the leading killer in the U.S., and that is directly related to the way Americans eat. Nobody is proposing an extra tax on sugar itself. The reason the additional tax on soda is being proposed is because a soda contains almost no nutritional value. I understand how important sugar is to the life cycle. There are countless numbers of ways to get sugar into your body without soda. Fruits and Vegetables have sugar in them. No one wants to take away your soda, so stop going on tilt. They want to place a tax on it so that it makes more financial sense for companies to produce food that is good for us rather than "junk food".
I was not talking about being an illegal immigrant in general, I stated a fact that more Americans are killed by illegal aliens then terrorist kill our troops in Iraq. Yet alot are against the war and are not aware of some of our home problems. I was stating that a normal person kills more than psychotics that kill our troop in WAR. And why are you not taxing a person for being illegal based on those statistics. It is absurd because there are good illegal aliens that don't murder. To me the sugar thing is similar, not everybody gets fat from sugar, there is no reason to tax it. As whisper stated and I earlier stated, it is the choice of the human being. ****ing nailed it.
wait wtf! I live like 10 min. away from you and this effects me too! I believe that this is completely unwanted but not a real "outrageous idea". It is a bad thing to address obesity though. The way people live their lives is none of the governments business. The Democratic system and the Bill of Rights restricts the interference of the government in someone personal life unless they have reason to believe they are in criminal activities. The tax how ever will help alleviate the 23% MTA fare hike and the increasing cost of housing taxes. Basically, it will be unwelcome but a rational and adequate decision by The State of New York.
I drink water, anyways. I live in Florida; sucks to be you. That possibly lowered my already-dramatically depressing opinion of New York. On second thought, Charlie Christ is an idiot, too. Crap.
My school replaced anything unhealthy with crap. I can't get a grilled cheese sandwich on anything other than pitch black bread. Our hot dog buns are whole wheat. The soda is all diet, or "zero". It is so nasty. The only reason why I still go to school without a bag lunch is to avoid the nerd category. EVERYONE who does cold luch... nerd, pervert, gay,gay, pervert, retarded... oh yeah and a *****.