Hello. I have a lot of stuff to tell you guys. Might as well get to it. So... I am iWatch, but in real life, my name is Michael. I am 16 and a junior at my high school in Pennsylvania (yea, I live near Amish country). I play snare for our competing Marching Band who just recently achieved top honors at our Championship competition for High Score, High Visual, and High Percussion. Yes, I am a huge band geek. Im also a huge video game geek. I am a fan of first person shooters, racing games, and the occasional third person shooter, as long as it has fun elements to it. Im a big fan of games such as BioShock and Left4Dead, the type of games that are fun to play alone in the dark. Of course, I am a big Halo fan as well. I am not one of those people who is obsessed though and rants to Bungie when they do something to the game that I don't like. I don't like to be obnoxious like that. I guess, along with that, I should add that im not a person who likes to post in the forums. I like to watch and only input when I feel there is a need to. So with that, this may be one of very few things that you will see me post on this website, not because im not interested, but just because I love seeing what other people have to say. Let me warn you though that I can take on the personality of your typical moderator though. If I see something I don't like, it is just a habit for me to step in and say something. If you ever see me post on Bungie.net, that is most likely the reason. Im a big fan of Roosterteeth and Red vs Blue, as well as some of their other projects. You can visit my profile at Roosterteeth's website. If you want, feel free to stop by my profile and say something. So, why im here. Basically, I rode the train in from Bungie.net. I have visited this site many times before, but I never felt a need to sign up. After Bungie did a story on this website, I decided, "Oh, it cant hurt", so I signed up. Its a pretty cool place too. Well, thats about all I have to say about my self right now. Feel free to ask any questions. If you see me anywhere else on the internet, say hi... or something. Rock on.
ohi! Im Shanon. Hope you have a warm welcome from other members. We have some pretty nice and cool people here. Feel free to ask me or any moderator questions concerning rules and stuff. Hope you have a nice stay here at FH.
Woa that's a lot for an introduction. Anyway welcome to Forgehub, and btw, Iwatches suck. lol jk I've never even seen one for myself before.
lol im pretty sure there is no such thing as an iWatch. Just a stupid name I created for Red vs Blue. It was just meant to be a temporary account but a bunch events occurred and the name stuck. I meant to make it to download sponsor videos on RvB, so since it was going to be a sponsor account (that could have a custom user title), I made my name iWatch so I could make my title "redvsblue". Just a sad attempt at me trying to be funny lol. But anyway I ended up using that account more than I thought I would, so I just kept it. In case you wonder where my name came from.
There is an iwatch. haven't you seen the new Christmas commercial where Santa is listening to music on his iwatch and he trips and falls and knocks over the tree?
Probably the best intro I've seen. When I was reading the first part of your post, I was reminded of Drum Line, ha. And this snare solo by Travis Barker I watched today that was ridiculous. Anyway, enjoy your time here.