Sniper GauntletA map by Billy Reloaded Welcome to the Sniper Gauntlet, a basic single-player map for practicing your no scoping needs. The premise for this map is that you run around a pre-planned course no scoping pylons of of plasma batteries. If you download the gametype too, you'll realize the reason for the plasma batteries. No shields + explosions = death if you miss . Watch your aim, mistakes lead to death. No scope improvement begins to set in. And then there's the ones where you are fed up and stand still to take the shot :squirrel_giggle: Some more no scopes. Again, watch out for those plasma batteries, they'll get ya when your back turns. Download Map Variant Download Gametype
I assume you mean matchmaking, so in response to that, you won't always be able to have a sniper in matchmaking.
Interesting concept, although if you snipe them from farther away, it won't kill you right? Also, for the gametype, all you need now is to make people learn faster, by setting the respawn time to 3 minutes lol.
Yes, I did have it at 10 seconds respawn time for suicide, but I found that to be annoying so I just removed it to avoid frustration from waiting. And as for shooting them from far away I encourage that, because that means you are no scoping an even smaller target.
Yeah, that's a good point, although I do still recommend the 3 minute respawn lol. It would make people better at sniping.
I think your training course may help but ultimately hinder a normal Halo player. This is because the sniper, along with other guns in Halo, have a slight Auto-Lock on system. So even though you are aimed directly at the cone with no assistance, when you aim at an actual player the game will pull your ridicule in for a better, more precises shot. So if a gamer becomes used to no auto-aim assist through mastering your training course, that player may want to disable the lock on feature. Otherwise, nice ideas here!
im may have to dowload this because im rubbish with the sniper scope or no scope so i really need the practice!
Thanks for all the C&C everyone, It's turning out better than I expected. Just thought I'd say this, I was looking at the threads and the map variant has 2 less downloads than the game variant, go figure .
So the head is the safety cone? Oh... i would much rather like to shoot the head and have it explode, but oh well.
Not really but are you really going to take the time to do this yourself? It's really more of a convenience than a great map. It's not like I'm looking for a feature or anything.