I am a fanatic creator of enclosed maps in Foundry, and thus one of the problems I face is the guy that tries escaping the map and either gains a height advantage over other players or gets stuck outside and has to kill himself. So what level do you go to to escape-proof your own maps? I go as far as crouch-jumping. Making sure there's no way anyone can get out of a map of mine unless they Brute Shot or Grenade jump. To make Grenade Jumping out of the map impossible you'd need to have double wall height right around or a roof, and I never have the budget, items or patience to do those. My thinking is usually that if someone's stupid enough to fall out of the map and have to kill themselves, it's their own damned fault and they won't do it again, but I have conceded a small defeat and agreed to placing Teleporters on the outside of new maps I make with Reciever Nodes high in the air like on the Grifball court.
put a big ****ing wall around it. lolz. Na, when i do it, i try to use up the big square anyway, then theres just 1 side to block off. if its any smaller i stick a big roof on, so you cant get out.
I build a bunch of small fighting spaces with no escape(two open double boxes with walls over the exits.)
Well I say if you can't close it off and keep it looking nice, then leave the morons to nade jump to their death. But never leave spaces for people to just walk or jump out. The only way people should ever be able to leave your map is by a grenade jump and thats the least.
I always check grenade jumps. I check Brute Shots if I have them in my map, too, but if I don't feel like dealing with every glitch I just take them out. One of the things that stops me from being more creative with my maps is having to put double walls everywhere. I usually end up thinking the same thing as 33.B.RICH though, and decide it's not worth it.
I do a ton of cheat-proofing, or how you call "escape-proofing" my map, by putting walls and stuff to prevent this.
Yea I don't really care much if it's on one of the other maps besides one my best ones, those are where I actually test the nade jumping and stuff. If you wanna get out of it then get out of it, but don't expect to get back in xD.
On the DLC I like to make sure I can't get out in editor mode without deleting stuff. On the old maps, I toss grenades like crazy and try to get out. If in either case, I get out, I make the wall better.
I always try to do my best to keep people in the map, but I'm not particularly good at it. I always include a teleporter on the outside of my maps that I lock in for testing that will teleport you to a floating reciever node over the middle of the map. I try to make sure that there is either some sort of roof or a barrier 2 walls/boxes high from every standing point.
I'm making a map right now that you can grenade jump out of from the second floor. I used so many resources building the play area that I didn't have enough to block everything off. I didn't use the budget glitch for this map because it started out with me just screwing around and turned into something cool. Now the only way to block everything in is to rebuild the map from the ground up using the budget glitch. Maybe one day, but for right now, some of the stuff in this map was such a ***** to get right I don't have the patience to go through it all again. It's still going to be fun, and if you find yourself on top of something you know you're not supposed to be on top of, be a sport and hop down. k thx.
Go to forging 101 and read the topic about adding the budget glitch to your map. Even though you already built it, you can still delete a little bit, add the glitch, and fix up your map. I've done it with some of my older maps where I had a similar problem in that ran out of resources for blocking it off.
i think the best way to block off and cheat proof small maps is to make sure that the walls are 4 boxes high, that way they hit the maps ceiling. On bigger maps, just block off the open sides, it doesnt take much time or resources.
Yeah like I said before if your lazy or don't have the resources then by all means let them kill themselves, but whoever that was that said they'd do it like me lol noooo way because I always make sure you can't leave my maps.
I actually did that today. It's no longer easy to get out of the map. I'm sure if you're good you can find some way out, but it won't be obvious or easy, so by the time you actually make it out you'll have been shot in the neck like you deserve.
Well, you can make it impossible to get out of the map using walls and boxes. If you run out of them maybe use portals or even grav lifts/mancannons. They can help prevent people from leaving. I am big on keeping people out of my maps. Before I even start with my idea I try to have an idea of where I am going to allow people to go.
here is an idea put a wall flat on a noter so it looks like a T. then lean the top wall back some so it looks like those preson movie fences where one wall is straight [ l ] and the other wall is inclined where the high end sticking out into your map.
I think that blocking off the map is critical for a maps success. Even if you inform the people in the party about the areas where it is possible to escape, you know there will be some ass who goes there anyway. Blocking is priority one.
I at least nade jump-proof my maps because if enough people play them, even if nobody tries to get out of the map, there will always be at least one instance where someone will accidentally get out. I've had several times when I've been playing a forged map and accidentally nade jumped out. Its usually not a big deal though, and is only a minor inconvenience. Theres really no good excuse not to with the money glitch.