I think the issue with the GTA IV single player is not length... it's entertainment. I personally lost interest, and unless the new DLC adds some truly distinct missions with more variety, I don't think it will solve the issue that GTA IV just gets repetitive. They designed a good game, not an excelling one, and while it does have it's memorable moments, they do not bring you back to the game as well as they ought to.
When I purchased GTA4 its world overwhelmed me and I was intrigued to continue my exploration. However, as the city expanded so did my boredom. Each time played GTA 4 I played less and less. Abruptly stopping somewhere near almost completing the game. I like GTA4, but I don't think it deserved game of the year.
Never played a SR til SR2, and I loved the gta series until 4 which I got on release, so lets hear your opinion some more.
Amen. GoW 2 is probably my favorite game after Halo and CoD4. Gears has so many different things to play like horde and campaign and just normal multiplayer. Also, you can take screenshots which is pretty cool. GTA was fun but it shouldn't have won.
I already read that I'm saying now that you know I'm not a fanboy. I would also like to tell you flaming is against the rules
First you said you wanted to hear more of my opinion, ad i did,now you are telling me to explain how you are a fanboy? This makes no sense. Everything i had to say was in that post, that was my opinion. Why should i spam a thread with reasons why you are a fanboy. If i wanted to do that, i would take it up in pms. So, if you think about it, you are the one spamming, because you are turning a forum thread into your own personal conversation. True, you could tell everything was scripted, and half of the people that guest stared didn't know anything about gaming. I see what you mean, the game just isn't as fun as it used to be, but, i still think it is an amazing game.
By quoting yourself and calling me a moron? I posted my own opinion too and you attacked me first Has to do with the arguement You started it I'll be the bigger man and just leave, so go have fun with Roman bowling.
You are not the bigger man if you have to have the last word. Yes, i will agree that i started, but i don't agree with everything else you said. You stated i should share my own opinion. I did. Also, all you did was mention how bad GTA 4 was, but didn't mention any of the good things. I did point out GTA 4s flaws, because it has some, but the game isn't 100 percent bad. I had both positive and negative things to say about the game, all you had to say was a jumble of negative comments, plus you didn't even mention what game should have won. Also, my post wasn't devoted to the argument, only half. ----------------------------------------- Also, more people should mention what game should have won. It would make a better thread if we could talk less about GTA, and more about the games that should have won in your opinion. ----------------------------------------- True. he first play through of the game is great. But, there isn't much to back to. Yeah there are some missions that you decide how they end, but they don't change things as much as they do is a game like Fallout 3. I hope the new dlc is good, i looks okay to me. ----------------------------------- Thats not what the numbers say: Xbox 360 Top Live Titles (based on UU's) Halo 3 CoD: World at War Call of Duty 4 Gears of War 2 GTA IV Left 4 Dead Madden NFL 09 Fallout 3 FIFA 09 Fable II Source: http://xboxlive.ign.com/articles/939/939131p1.html