EDIT: ok so after reading countless comments about it being too open, i decided to change it up. u guys also said that the odea of the map is overall very good tho, which is why im even doing something about it. so, to all who thought that this map was good, although open, fret no more. im working on a more enclosed version of the same map. u could call it a v2 but i wont because it will be entirely different gameplay. instead ill call it more of a sister (or brother) to Valorous. it will be called Voracious and will be posted in the competitive maps forum in a few days so dont forget to watch out for it! kk thx FH Hey there, im new to forge hub so bare with me. So i play mlg all the time and love it, also on a gb team. Anyway, i really like forging too. I started goin on to ur site so i registered and made my very first map. I hope you guys like it. I made a normal version and MLG version. I made links to both. The normal map is for all gametypes, while the mlg map is only for MLG gametypes. So, enough of me filling this post with noobness, here's the pics. Oh and if you want to add me, the gamertag I use mostly is JustCaIIMeMark (the L's are I's). Overview of Blue Base Overview of Red Base Middle Area Blue Corner Red Corner Overshield Spawn http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=60650159 - Normal Version http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=60650174 - MLG Version
Good start, but it's waaaay too open. Fix that and add some more structures and it would be a good map. Also, you didn't put a download link. You have 24 hrs to bring it up to FH standards, otherwise it'll get locked.
Yeah, it plays alright, but more overhead structures, i managed to find the map on b-net already. Very neat and clean btw!
Yeah this map would be excellent except it is ridiculusly cover-less and taking a look at your weapon list the sniper would overall dominate this map. Nice wall this is the best i have ever seen. good job once again glad to see a traniee that makes a decent thread and doesn't have trouble embeding pictures.
Make more cover...and taller structures in the middle so you cant see the whole map from one point. Make it so you HAVE to move around to find people
i hate jumping. you need to put more walkways and maybe some more geometry. also what is this map for?
ok so it is a tad open X) but i think it needs to be. height is key to winning, along with teamwork. plus, the bases and overshield area have nice cover. oh and this map is for all gametypes, mostly teams. CTF and slayer seemed to play best. thx for the input guys
Like mentioned way to open. I see your trying to make a map where it more vertical action then horizontal. Thats fine but cover is a huge thing in maps. Add that and you'll have more DL.
the map seems really open, maybe a little more cover? it also seems like it might be easy to spawn trap people, but ill have to dl and forge through it. other than that its a solid first post! i do mlg a lot too, lvl 36, so if you want to play sometime just send me a message.
You had me excited for a moment, then I saw the open map. You need to fix that. Try putting multiple buildings in there. Lower the height of the bridges, and put some more nooks and crannies in there. The weapon layout looks nice, the merging is great, but the placement of the objects is not good at all. 2/5
This is very impressive for your first real go at forge.I like the whole feel of the map.The only thing i had a problem with is that it is a little too open but everything else on the map pops out and looks very neat.Great job.
Could be a great map if there was more cover. You will hear this constantly. I have the map qued, and it will be downloaded as soon as I get home.
the layout looks okay and the symmetry is awesome. but there really isnt anything on the map. is super open. its a god start but beef it up a bit and make some more asthetics.
Actually i think this map has a very good idea to it. Its nice and simple and good for some ctf. Exept it is a little to open. Fix it up and add some more cover. For right now i give it 3.8/5. Good job though.