- A bigger Tv (not sure what kind yet :-\... but a bigger one then the small crappy one i have right now) - A new deck (skateboarding) - and a zune.
I'm hoping to get some new La-z-boy chairs for the den, and some money to do the remodeling I want to do to my house and front yard. Luckily I already bought the big TV.
I'm with Yavi... it's a good problem to have I guess - will probably just find out what other people want and try to make them happy, but I feel like I want something!
Microsoft points for the new maps and a renewal to my subscription to xbox live. I already have Orange Box/Cod4
Hoping to get: Assassins Creed for Xbox 360 Halo Emotion Wallpaper Halo Uprising Issue #2 Brain Age 2 for Nintendo DS Halo 3 Official Strategy Guide Mass Effect Soundtrack mostly just Assassins Creed
Philips 19 inch 720p HDTV with Monitor hookups. http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=5633692 I can finally rid myself of my craptastic CRT 2nd monitor! and with a source change i can play 360 while on teh intarwebs LOL. cant wait! oh and um, lets see..thats it =/ i really wanted a Nikon D40X though...
-sewing kit -plastic axe -nonworking 1 button mouse -rubik's cube without colors yea thats my dad for ya...my mom gave me a computer ;D