More like a Minitage actually. I made this to again test out my editing program which I just got and as a quality test. I'm working on getting the quality better but thats also youtubes fault because it just destroys videos when you upload them. Yeah I've been forging for like 3 months and then I started matchmaking again so I'm still getting into the groove. I still play like I'm playing Halo 2... I accept all Criticism and Comments... [youtube]G8faNgjJ-ZM[/youtube]
Minitage... Lol. It is actually okay. Some nice kills in there. Though 1 of my pet peeves is disabling the HUD on snipes.... Good music, too.
wait do you mean disable to scope for snipes? I don't do that. I don't like it when people remove the hud and the reticule. I like to see how people shoot and where they aim. Plus it has the sense of an original kinda Halo 2 type montage. I think thats what you mean at least...
I actually thought it was pretty dang good. Sure, it didn't display ridiculous skill, but it was a change from just no scope, no scope, multi kill, stick, no scope, stick etc. You displayed a couple of weapons that were still skillful. The only gripe I have is that your random plasma 'nade chunks didn't display skill to me. I don't mind watching sticks or ever 'nade kills as long as you are throwing them with a purpose at someone(s) specifically. The editing was really good, and it was a nice showing of skill.
It was pretty good, but a lot of those were luck. Also there was only a couple sticks and others when you threw them, they weren't sticks, they just blew up under people.
I liked it, and yes people might say that those were lucky sticks but HEY! that's the point, I threw them and got a stick, that was lucky. xD I like the splatters, those were awesome. And the Assaualt game where they were in your base was tight. Great job! =]
Nice montage, I didn't think anyone else listened to Rock and Roll Soldiers. Oh btw, what editing program did you use?
Yeah great song... I use Sony Vegas 8 Platinum Edition...There are some things that I dont like about it like how Vegas 7 you could do the Sin City Effect...Like where you remove every color except one. I don't think you can do that in this which is kinda weird...
Those we some pretty good no scopes. I think that you should look at some montages to look at some effects that might spice up your montage. All in all it was pretty good, it had good editing the song was great, but there wasn't any moments that took my breath away. Great montages hae moments where you have to rewind because you just can't believe what happened.