OCD Forging

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by XfX Catastrophe, Feb 11, 2008.

  1. XfX Catastrophe

    XfX Catastrophe Ancient
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    I do not know if anyone else here has it but I have OCD. If you do not know what that is, it is obsessive-compulsive disorder. This affects me in that everything I design/make has to be straight or it will bug me. I have made maps that are not all perfect and it bugs me but I normally don't have the time to fix them. So I was seeing if anyone else out there has this or something similar and would like to make a map. Most of the people I work with don't and end up making everything ugly.
  2. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Mah Brothah!!

    I'm so OCD about Forge, I've straightened out other people's maps if I like the layout enough. I did that to Lintendo's Great Wall; I started by separating the sword and the Overshield, and I started noticing that the wall wasn't quite straight, and then I ended up completely redoing it from scratch. I even redid the weapon layout, and in my opinion it plays much better. Sad but true... :squirrel_hug:
  3. gorebound

    gorebound Ancient
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    Haha me too, it's pretty frustrating at times but the end product usually benefits from it.
  4. Klink258

    Klink258 Ancient
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    I don't have full-on-real OCD, but of course, it bugs everyone who cares.
  5. pinecone2654

    pinecone2654 Ancient
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    OCD is the only thing that could have kept me working on my castle walls on my castle map variant.
    link to my map post here: http://www.forgehub.com/home/index.php?topic=3800.0
    anyway, forge OCD is the only thing keeping all of these mew maps looking good.
    Forge OCD...I has it
  6. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I have OCD. It used to be alot worse when I was younger and I have controlled and tempered it over the years but it still affects me. Things have to be as perfect as I can place them or it frustrates me in that panicked way that some of you may sympathise with.
  7. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    when were working on Duel of the Fates

    insane: 'well we can leave it like this for no-'
    shock: 'no!'

    if its my own map i might feel a little bugged by it but nothing major
  8. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    I'm pretty sure that every good Forger has OCD. "You just gotta get those walls straight people, it bugs the crap outta everyone!" lol.
  9. MealonX

    MealonX Ancient
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    I have OCD when I forge too, im working on a map that's going to be sweet so keep your eyes open for it
  10. Ballika

    Ballika Ancient
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    i too suffer from F-OCD, i think it is really bad too. The other night i put the finishing touches on my very first map. perfect spawn points and all. Then i saved it and sat there for a second. What to do next? FORGE ANOTHER MAP! so i started another forge round on foundry and decided to just try an idea i had for a while, see if the remake of Facility that i wanted to make would fit. Seven hours later i am trying to make two stairways perfectly intersect at a 90" angle inside of a wall. It's rediculous. If i didn't spend half of the time making things perfectly straight, i could have cranked out the whole map, but instead i only got half done. The worse part is, when you are like us and can't stand for things to be a little crooked, you end up spending twice as much time as you need to create a map. But maybe the map layout wasn't that good and you spent all that time making things staight on a boring, drab map.

    We try to avoid this by "just throwing items down and getting the basic layout" but it never works out that way.
  11. Poztar

    Poztar Ancient
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    All my walls are straight, I interlock EVERYTHING (walls, double boxes, stairs, etc), and I always have to use EVERY SINGLE SPAWN POINT. Whenever I finish forging a map, I always think "damn, this still isn't good enough" and never end up posting it. That's why I have no maps!
  12. kayaman132

    kayaman132 Ancient
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    that would be me also.
  13. Bllasae

    Bllasae Ancient
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    Oh yeah. Finally, I was saying something about this, and I'm glad other people have it(Not really, but just so I fit in). If I don't like how something looks, I'll press A and it'll usually look worse than before.
  14. BanditK

    BanditK Ancient
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    i thought i was the only one. when istart on a map i say tomy self ill go back in the end and make everything straight. but there would be walls off by just a milliemeter and i would get fed up and abbandon the project

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