
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by TXGhost, Feb 10, 2008.

  1. TXGhost

    TXGhost Ancient
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    My overall view of this map was to create something a little like Rat's Nest, where players and vehicles are separate from each other but can still interact. Little did I know that vehicles and Foundry do not mix well with each other.
    What my map really turned out to be was two bases. A catwalk spanning from each base, and an open field. The catwalks were where players could go, and the fields were where the vehicles would patrol. I took out the warthogs and left the mongooses. I felt the warthogs would be too over powering.

    Download Redemption

    The Bases
    There are two bases on this map. Each team spawns inside of their base. Each base has a couple weapons to start out with. There are two ways out, these are the catwalks and the fields. There is a ramp leading up to the catwalks, this ramp is also how you get mongoose out. The main entrance is how you get to the fields.
    Base A
    Base B

    The Catwalks
    The Catwalks span from base to base, this was made so that players could get to each base without having to go through the field, and also to give an alternate way into each base. You get to the catwalks by using the ramp in each base. This ramp is also used to get your mongoose out. I couldn't get great pictures of the catwalks due to them being narrow.
    Catwalks Picture 1
    Catwalks Picture 2

    The Fields
    Each base has a field in front of it. Each field has a nice amount of cover. Each field also has a hut, which can be used for cover or for sniping.
    Base A Fields
    Base B Fields

    Machine Gun Nest
    The machine gun nest over looks both fields. This gives cover to your men in the field. The machine gunner though has no cover and can be taken out easily.
    Machine Gun Nest

    This map can be played with the following gametypes
    • Team Slayer
    • Multi Flag
    • Land Grab
  2. Windburry

    Windburry Ancient
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    Looks well made, I'll check it out
  3. TXGhost

    TXGhost Ancient
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    Thank you I spent quite some time on all of the interlocking.
  4. LOL zombie

    LOL zombie Ancient
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    This looks like a good map. i think there could be more cover in those two open spots by kitty kat walks. Other than that awesome job
  5. TXGhost

    TXGhost Ancient
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    I agree but the lane which has no cover, is for the mongoose, making it easier driving off the ramp.
  6. ShadowSnip3r RC

    ShadowSnip3r RC Ancient
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    Looks good overall, maybe some more cover in the open areas but leave enough so that the mongoose can drive around. Other than that good work.
  7. TXGhost

    TXGhost Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thank you for the kind words.
  8. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    I got a chance to check this map out in Forge, and I got a lot of stuff to talk about. So here goes.

    First, I really like the layout of this map. At first, I reacted the same way as the other posters. I was like, "it's too open." But I think that the openness is good, and I think it would be great for something that I'll mention later. I also liked the huts.

    While I was looking at this map, I was thinking of it in terms of multi-flag CTF. The question I kept asking myself was "why would anyone go into the fields?" It's such a short walk through the Catwalk. If you tested this map, did players go out there a lot, or take the flag out there at all? The only real reason to go out is for the BRs or the turret, neither of which is gonna decide the outcome of the game. But I have a few suggestions which I think would really spice this map up. Keep in mind that these are all my own opinions, and you might not agree, and that's fine.

    First, you need to discourage players from using the catwalk so much. I suggest placing a fusion coil up there on each side of the center. It would make it just a little more dangerous to go through there. But that way there is a risk/reward trade-off. "Do I go the fast way through the catwalks and risk getting sploded, or do I take it the long way around through the protective shield doors?"

    I also suggest adding a mauler or shotgun (with no spare clips) in the center of the catwalk. That way there is an even greater risk of going through there. You won't know if someone is camping with a shotgun right around the corner. But if they are, you can bounce a grenade around there and use the fusion coils to blow them up. It would open up a lot more possible strategies.

    Another thing you need to do is move the grav lifts out away from the walls a little. I don't want to have to come to a near standstill because the lift is so close to the wall. When I take a grav lift, I like to run right up to it and jump and get launched. Right now, I keep getting bounced off the walls, and that is nowhere near as fun. It's frustrating.

    Also, it's possible to jump on some walls near the catwalk, then jump on the laser box, and then jump on top of the next box so that you can stand above the catwalk between the bases. It will be annoying if someone starts camping up there with a bunch of grenades and a BR. I suggest putting another box up there to prevent people from getting up there.

    Also, the laser box is a little crooked. Not a big deal, but it caught my eye.

    And now for the suggestion that I really want to see implemented in this map. Put a ghost in there! I love the ghost! You already said the map was designed with vehicles in mind. And there are already a ton of things to prevent the ghost from being overpowered. You've got a plasma pistol, a power drain, a laser, and a bunch of sticky grenades. Also, there's a whole part of the map that the ghost can't even reach. And if you're still worried about the ghost being too powerful, change the mauler behind the turret into a brute shot.

    I suggest moving the mauler which spawns in the middle below the laser up to the catwalk (as already mentioned) and place a ghost there instead. That will certainly give players a reason to go out into the fields! Also, imagine a game where one team controls the ghost and the fields while the other team controls the catwalk and the mauler. That would be cool.

    Finally, I think you should add some respawn points out in the fields. Right now it's probably too easy to spawn camp people. Also, the map gets old quicker when you only respawn in those back bases. Adding respawns out there will help spread the action throughout the map, instead of it being localized in the bases.

    I think this is a very good map and it has a lot of potential. I wouldn't type all this out if I didn't think so. But I think with some minor, but important changes, it could be a great map.
  9. TXGhost

    TXGhost Ancient
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    Thanks for the feedback Furious. It really means a lot. Now I will definitely be reworking this map. I will be keeping most of your suggestions in mind. Especially about the risk reward factor. Again thank you Furious for the attention.
  10. abixenator

    abixenator Ancient
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    Looks pretty good. The scenery/design runs smoothly, the weapons seem pretty fairly spaced.
  11. alcapone900

    alcapone900 Ancient
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    It looks pretty good. I will try downloading it.

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