My forge-buddy Phoenix just finished version 1 of his new map Advent and we're looking for play testers to play it tonight. If you're interested send a f/r to Hybrid Icon and I'll invite you. The map has guns and nades and geomerging. The most recent fileshared version is 1.0. We're currently working on 1.2. Slot 5 Pics:
Hmm the map looks good but I would try to make the post more complicated, by that I mean make colors and cool fonts and headers. And also add more pictures because I see a great map but i want to see more pictures of the map From what I see this map has epic interlox and looks very good with gameplay
The geomerging is extremely clean, the overall layout makes the map looks bigger than it is (that's a plus for foundry), and I like your claw ; ) Although perfect in everything made, it lacks that little touch of something that makes you go "wow!" Great map. 9/10
I'm the one who forged the map, but unfortunately for me and more importantly you; I will not be able to finish the map for quite some time due to the fact that my xbox got the so called red rings of death. I'm sorry for the inconvenience in this matter, but I will see what I can do to solve the problem and finish the map. -Phoenix
DOUBLE POST LOL!?! Do I get more warning points? Hopefully! Some ideas we're working on for the gold corners
Really nice map! The interlocking looks clean, it's got a good layout and it loks really well planned out. I would love to be in the testing team, Ill do anything if it gets me on this map! What time are you thinking of testing?
Not quite sure. As I have said my xbox is getting repaired and i might not get it for another week. I should probably have it for most of christmas break, so we may test it then.
wow, cool map, havent seen one as in-depth as this one in a while. for the gold corners, i like pics 1 and 4. if you need any help testing, send me a message, my gamertag is sourdauer.