O Google ads you slay me...I have seen Halo 3, Halo 2, and Pigeon Forge Lodging ads, but never any asians
I saw a Google ad for a cookie selling company called "Cheryl's Cookies" on an independant music community site once. I lol'ed at it. I lol'ed at this one too. Pigeon Forge is nice, they have good food. ~Jakester1024
AXN where are you? Come out come out where ever you are. Unless your taking a dump. Dont S*** on the carpet
lol, that’s hilarious... wait is that how your making your money? selling Asian women so you can buy so called "Prizes"... I knew it.
LOLZ at this whole thread! LOLOL ROFLCOPTER!...man google ads are priceless, nice addition to the site lol
nice, not as bad as the halo3planet's ad words. the word kill was in yellow and then it was an ad for the TPG-1 sniper rifle. never saw that again