Insanity Created by The Govener [br] Supported Gametypes: All Gametypes, Slayer is suggested [br] Map Description Insanity was the second serious map that I have ever made on Foundry. The map is tight in many areas and has one More open floor near a turret. The turret is however not the best spot to be in, due to the fusion coils resting neatly below it. Along with a sniper rifle, the map contains a spartan laser (located in a vertical double box) and a fuel rod cannon (only accessible by grenade jumping, or taking a route along the upper parts of the map. The map itself is suited for the smaller of parties, best with 4-8 players. It begins to bust open at the seams around twelve players. Insanity is suited for all gametypes, but a good ol' round of slayer seems to work the best. CTF and Assault are best played with higher score counts, due to the small nature of the map. Next up is a shorty Gameplay Video. [br] [youtube][/youtube] (Sorry about the lack of ingame sounds in the video ex: Gunshots & grenades. I have problems capturing sound with my capture card.) [br] Here is a overview of the map, you can see a small bit of the turret wall from this point of view. [br] This is the turret wall, sign A leads to the CQC area of the map. [br] Over here is the shotgun corner, located across from turret spawn. Spartan Laser Spawns in the vertical Double Box between Shotty and turret. [br] Up next is a view of the more open ground, again located over by the turret. You can see another entrance to the CQC area to the left of the forklift. [br] This is on the opposite side of the A sign, in the CQC area. if you take a right at the open box you will find the sniper spawn. [br] This is a picture of the CQC area from over by the A sign. You can see to the left, the area were sniper spawns along with a assault rifle & regen. [br] _________________________________________________ Download Insanity [br] Thanks to anyone who downloads this map and leaves comments on it. -The Govener [br]
looks nice fomr what ive seen, qu'ed ,does it need custom game types or are we good with bungies? also the video was a great touch. we can barely get everyone to use FREE sites to upload pictures great job
Yea I like how you didn't go over the top with the weapon placements and such. The map was INSANE! xD or at least the game in the vid was. Looks like a map that would support fun fire-fights and close-quarter battles. It looks well made, good job. =]
The bungie gametypes work fine on the map. And thanks for the comment and download. Thanks, I spent some time doing the weapons moving them around and such. The spartan Laser; used to be where the fuel rod cannon was, but I switched them around due to the FRC being a more powerful weapon for this map. The game in the video did fit the name well, but it was around the maximum people that should be in the map. It was quite hard to stay alive for a minute, at least I got some good gameplay out of it. And thanks for the nice comment.
It's good. I could definitely see this map on a matchmaking playlist, likely for slayer or TSlayer. I'm guessing dominant weapons here would be shotgun and battle rifle, or maybe not...
Thanks for the comment! The shotgun can be quite powerful, but can be easily countered by a assault rifle or SMG. Battle Rifle's can also be hard to counter, but again the assault rifle would be a good choice. Thanks for the download. I hope you have fun on my map.
This is a great map. I stayed in the party for hours each day watching him construct this masterpiece. He took way too long, so I hope these long time periods Govener put in will pay off. The map is one of the best asymmetrical rumble pit maps I have played on.