Stratified Stratified Hi this is my first post on FH I have checked out the site before and was happy to see that other people are committed to doing quality maps and not just dropping boxes everywhere and calling it a zombie map. lol So I I’ll give you a brief description The level is basically a 3 story close quarters arena. A basement, a 1st story and a 2nd story. The basement is very simply this shape -> ++ with each prong of the + being an entry or exit. The second story is more complex it is a medium sized open area with two bases and medium amounts of cover. The top story is O shaped and holds the best line of site and long ranged weapons but is also the most highly contested spot. The only way to get to the 2nd story is to take the grav lift from the basement I have grown to love this level because of the countless hours of construction, play testing, and modifications. I believe that anyone who likes semetrical 2vs2 of 3vs3 will love this level please check it out and tell me what you think PICS Basement granade/shotgun/spiker spawn Nice view of 1st and 2nd story Gravlift entry Gravlift exit pic of 1st floor from balcony Download : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
Please view this page for a comprehensive map posting template. Also, use an image hosting site other than bungie for your pictures, such as photobucket. Template link below.
To embed pictures first go to Go to your gallery. Right click each image of your map, and click save. Then go to a image hosting website such as photobucket and upload them there. Then go to your gallery on photobucket and copy the IMG bar under each image and paste it in your post. Do not type in light colors either, for some users using old school cannot read it. EDIT: The guy above me beat me to the post.
Okay guys, no more picture comments he's got it. He's got 24 hours to fix it up so leave it alone for now. Btw best guide to embedding here good sir
Please do not spam threads. Yes, if i were you I would work on those pictures, from the first picture you cant really see any of the map, and people are now least likely to download. I would work on that and get this completed within 24 hours.
I would suggest that you interlock the upside-down double boxes a little bit with the right-side up open ones so you don't have such a cracky floor, it would have been nice if you could make them all upside down, but that won't happen. also, maybe interlock the boxes on the walls a little bit more, and TAKE OUT THE SHIELD DOORS. they only lead to camping. maybe i could help you out with it later tonight. add me Frozen Banshee [recently changed from skanky toast] and ill be glad to see if we can get some good potential out of this map.