Well done being one of the few that have completed it solo (i.e no partner jump cheating) Hey if anyone wants to post in my bnet thread and help bump it that would be great too!
Ah my old puzzle maps are in the past, I like to look towards the future. Remember how I said I wouldn't be making another puzzle map for a while, well one of my friends inspired me to make a new one, looks like there's gonna be an even harder more insane puzzle map coming your way sooooooooooooon.
Hey Buddha Awesome map, beat it in like a min lol jk if you havent downladed this then download it it is the best puzzle map....
On a serious note, I can complete it in 4 mins, for those that have completed this course, why not try and beat my time (You think I'm joking don't you) :squirrel_wtf:
Great map, took me forever. I give 6-1/2 thumbs up to this, congratulations! and by the way, the beam rifle bouncing thing is just plaing annoying, you might want to think about fixing that if you ever update this select the above text to view it
There's nothing wrong with the beam rifle bouncing bit, you just have to hit it in the right spot and be standing in the right place (or crouching as the case may be) Anyhoo I've released a video walkthrough now for anyone still stuck, you can find a link to it in my bungie.net map thread or just find it straight on my fileshare (Note that I hit the fusion coil first time with the beam rifle bouncing bit near the beginning, see, it works fine)
I've made it to 'The great pair of Balls', but then was killed by their bouncing and sent back to the turret part. Is there any way to fix that, because I absolutely hate when the Fusion coil falls over, and doesn't respawn itself back up again (it happens 9 times out of 10).
I can't prevent the balls from killing you (though I admit it has only ever happened to me and anyone I've seen performing that bit very vey infrequently) Furthermore, when you respawn all you have to do is go through the teleporter again (the wire spool blocking it never respawns) so you don't have to worry about getting the beam rifle again or shooting the fusion coils again (thus making death only a teeny tiny minor inconvenience since you just respawn and go through the teleporter again)
Looks fun. Once I get Heroic Pack I plan on also making one like this. Only mine will have less soccer balls and more dropping tanks on people... 10/10
I rarely respond to people on XBL, I'm usually always busy doing my own thing keeping my party closed. Anyhoo, gonna release my latest puzzle map in the next day or so I reckon, I think I've done pretty much all the testing I need to. It's gonna pwn!
I finally got through the new one and i could find any significant or dramatic holes and this one is way harder so have fun and if you thought terrortories was hard well this one makes it seem uncomplicated
OMG! someone please tell me how to get that stupid beam rifle next to that fusion coil, and dont say blow it up cuz I cant. wuddafuxup!?
Firstly, I did provide a picture of exactly where to shoot, all you have to do is find the right place to stand (or crouch as the case may be). Secondly, there is a video walkthrough of me completing the entire course (including that bit) on my fileshare, just check that out if you're stuck.