Gamevee has been great to work with but after their "update" they have put down alot of users. In this tutorial I will teach you how to get a high quality clips on your PC! 1. Go to This Website 2. Click "Join" and register for the site. 3. You should come to a login page that looks like ForgeHub's 4. Login so that you come into this page: 5. Click on this topic... 6. Click on this thread.... 7. Scroll down and Copy this: 8. Go back and Click New Topic. 9. Enter a desired Title, Paste the Template, Fill out, and Post. 10. Give them time and they will fulfill your request!
Thanks man! That's really helpful. Gamevee having grab down has made it so I can't post any videos. I wanted to make one for sharps to five contest but I couldn't. This is a really nice alternative. Thanks again!
Same thing with the site basically they use their capture cards and take it for you. it is easier then gamevee by far, but not as fast and simple.
I just checked out so many popups, very annoying. And the videos can be captured by anyone. In Shooterclips only admin and staff can so its a guaranteed high quality video.
Yeah.. I was looking for something for a long time now. Hey maybe ForgeHub can start something like this of their own? Seems like a lot of People need something like this and if people with capture cards can help their fellow ForgeHub members out it would give alot more convience to us. It can also be good to the community as it can grow or even create a more thankful and friendly enviroment. I don't know just my opinion. P.S.: LOL! @ trademarking your name
but will they take the time line off the top of the video. cause some sites left it on and it really ruins it sometimes if there is a time bar at the top. i'll probably stick with the cap-card though. i think it was a good investment. nice guide
IN the template where it says "other info" you would tell them what you want or do not want on the film. So you can tell them no radar, no timeline, free camera (not locked on person) or you can even say lock the film on "some guy". Well.. basically you get the point.
As some of you might have noticed... ShooterClips is going idle for Christmas time but they will be back to work after.