The third and most recent in the underground series, started from a blank canvas, this map is an improvement over Underground V2.1 because it has better weapon and spawn point placement, more weapons, more interlocking and dysfunctional lifts have been replaced with bridges. This map's weapons go as fallows: Sniper Rifle x1 SMG x2 Shotgun x1 Plasma Rifle x2 Gravity Hammer x1 Spartan Laser x1 Mauler x2 Covenant Carbine x3 Battle Rifle x14 This map supports FFA Slayer(Recommended), One Flag(Recommended) and oddball. Main Room \/Spartan Laser Spawn Point\/ \/Sniper Spawn Point\/ : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
It looks pretty good, I like the layout, but it looks a little sloppy. A few things could be straightened up, like the top right box in the first and third pics. Apart from that, it's a solid map for 1v1, or 2v2. 4/5.
dude before you redo a version of a map. take a look at the overall problems that were stated before, maybe it was sloppy or had a bad layout in the previous one. I would suggest fixing all of those problems in 1 version so its perfect the first time. this version needs serious improvement in the layout. its really sloppy and i suggest making a 4th version or just dropping the map
you should really smoothen some floors with some merging. this map also seemss easily escapable so you might wanna fix that. dont take your pictures in forge mode. the spawns make the pictures look bad
only 3 pics? i cant get a whole lot of info outa that. but anyways i noteces in some places in your map that there are some crooked areas that should be smoothened out, but atleast u merged a few, but i would like 2 c more pictures before i rate
i think its been said before, but you really need some more interlocking in places. you should either interlock it and be l337, or not interlock it and be n00b. right now you're half n00b, half l337, so i recomend cleaning it up a bit. maybe a v4?
it could use some more pics, but i like it. like others said you could work on the interlocking. i also really like the tilted boxes that serve as drop points to the tunnel - i was about to use that in one of my maps
I aggree the layout is nice but seems a little sloppy straighten it up a bit...but other than that good map!