Hello my name is blake pillars and this is my first jump map. I made this map one day when i was realy bored and so far none of my friends have been able to beat this. Every jump is possible. I know that in some rooms it will seem nearly impossible but a friend and I both tested this map on host and off. Here is the link to the gametype and map. Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Sets First room second room third room fourth room fifth room first angle fifth room second angle sixth room first angle sixth room seconde angle last room first angle last room second angle
i admit this is a good post but before u get messaged by someone rude u arent aloud to have a link to ur fileshare it has to be to the map or gametype directly also might want to find a way to make the pics bigger
what you did: pulled the pics straight from the "your pics" page. what you need to do: click each image and drag the enlarged one. hopefully this will help. from what I see it looks like a puzzle, these maps are pretty fun. kudos for going off foundry, not many good cold storage maps. nice for a first. good luck and happy forging, -Battery
A link on how to get your pictures right CLICK But it looks okay, oh and you need to fix the link to just that map, not your file share. Fix the pics so I can actually see the map and I'll edit my post.
" But it looks okay, oh and you need to fix the link to just that map, not your file share. " Its a new thing called File Sets, where you can add things together, he has the map and gametype on the set. Anyways the map, i enlarged your pics and it looks pretty fun. One tip though, enlarge your pics, it was a hassle enlarging them myself.
teh pics are burning my eyes! anyway. from what i can (barely) see, it looks alright. ive never seen a jump map on CS before. the last room couldve been more creative though.
Im sorry that the pictures are small i dont know how to inlarge them. if you tell me how to inlarge the pictures i will and I dont have the map coming from my file share its in a file set. Sorry for all the problems and please download and try my map the last room is suppost to be a little difficult you have to find a pistol to blow up the fusion coils. i couldnt realy think of anything for a hallway for those of you saying its too easy. Send me messages if you have any more questions or problems
I know that in the fourth room is where you will find it most difficult and that is because of the jump onto the yellow shield door and it is possible. I have tested it several time and so has one of my friends.
Please send this to all your friends and tell me what you think about this map. Tell me if its difficult, fun, or just whatever you think about this map and also send me the video if you beat this without cheating. Who knows there may be a prize if your the first.