Coldplay Sued By Joe Satriani for "Viva La Vida"

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Sam, Dec 6, 2008.


    SPARTANZ77 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    youve got to admit it does sound a wee bit similar but not worth a lawsuit
  2. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
    Senior Member

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    How is it not worth a lawsuit?

    If someone is using another persons work, without permission, and gets a lot of money, the victim has every right to sue.
  3. Sam

    Sam Ancient
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    Article from

    Three days ago Joe Satriani talked to MusicRadar and discussed his lawsuit against Coldplay, in which he accuses the band of copyright infringement over their song Viva La Vida, which he claims lifts "substantial, original portions" of his 2004 track If I Could Fly.

    And now Coldplay have issued a response:
    "With the greatest possible respect to Joe Satriani, we have now unfortunately found it necessary to respond publicly to his allegations. If there are any similarities between our two pieces of music, they are entirely coincidental, and just as surprising to us as to him. Joe Satriani is a great musician, but he did not write or have any influence on the song Viva La Vida. We respectfully ask him to accept our assurances of this and wish him well with all future endeavours. Coldplay.
    Coldplay's response comes in the aftermath of MusicRadar's interview with Satriani, in which he said the first time he heard the title track to the band's album, he felt like "a dagger went right through my heart. It hurt so much. The second I heard it, I knew it was [my own] If I Could Fly."

    According to the Associated Press, Joe Satriani's attorney, Howard E King, said Coldplay's statement differs dramatically from how the guitarist's claims were treated pre-lawsuit.
    "We attempted to have a dialogue on this before we went public," King said. "We felt almost forced to file suit. As far as the 'coincidence,' ultimately that's for a jury to decide."
    Satriani himself told MusicRadar, "I did everything I could to avoid a court case with this situation. But Coldplay didn't want to talk about it. They just wanted this whole thing to go away. Maybe they figured this little guitar player guy will leave them alone after a while, I don't know."
    From the sounds of it, Coldplay feel the matter is settled. But Satriani and his camp aren't backing down. Will this ultimately wind up in court? Time will tell.
    MusicRadar contacted Coldplay's management and record label for comment. At present, all calls have gone unreturned.
  4. E93

    E93 Guest

    You do know that Coldplay is from the UK, right?

    But I think Satriani is american.
  5. Sonic Boxers

    Sonic Boxers Ancient

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    OMG!!! they both sound exactly alike!!! except for the fact that theyre played with diff instruments, though. But i can also agree with Norlinsky on the first page because thats exactly what i was thinking too.
    ...I like Coldplay's better though, lol
  6. Dizfunky

    Dizfunky Ancient
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    Look at the music theory vid of it. The 'chorus section' in Joe Satriani's song sounds just like the singing in Viva la Vida.
  7. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    I don't know why but I get the vibe that Coldplay is being rather arrogant bout this.
  8. E93

    E93 Guest

    I don't know if you realize this, but you're the one that's kind of being arrogant to other people in this thread.

    We've all got different opinions, on everything. You can't tell someone to shut up because their opinion is ''wrong''. There is no such thing as an opinion being wrong.
  9. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
    Senior Member

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    And that has to do with what i said how?
  10. E93

    E93 Guest

    Does it have to do with what you said?
  11. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The topic is Coldplay being sued and I said that Coldplay seemed to be acting arrogant about this and you reply that I'm arrogant.

    What did that have to do with the topic at hand and what I said in my post other then having the word arrogant in both posts.

    And looking back, I don't see me being arrogant at all. Show me the post where I was being arrogant.
  12. E93

    E93 Guest



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