NON-FOUNDRY:Jungle prison Jungle Prison is a cops and robbers map that can acommedate up to 16 players.4 spots where the cops can start out and a hidden custom powerupplaced somewhere on the map.Description of weopons/equipments/vehicles at bottom.Some map description will be placed throughout this presentation. pictures: cells inside prison,above cells{bathroom shown on left} cafateria,next to cells Store room,near Cop starts Staircase/escape,near store room hiding hole/escape,in front of cells and bathroom hallway leading to an escape spot gated walls looking outside of the prison This map works with any cops and robbers gametypes: recommended gametype at bottom. Weapons: NeedlerX1 ARX2 BRX4 ShotgunX3 SMGX2 Sniper RifleX7 SpikersX2 Sparten LaserX1 Brute ShotX4 FlamethrowerX1 Equipment: Frag grenadesX4 Spike grenadesX5 Fire Bomb grenadesX2 Bubble ShieldX1 Power DrainX1 Trip mineX2 Grav liftX1 FlareX2 Deployable CoverX1 Active CamoX1 Custom PowerupX1 Vehicles: MongoosesX2 No Effects are used on this map. Tip:2 spike grenages are placed in the[hiding hole/escape,in front of cells and bathroom]as shown in a picture near the top. Tip2:there are a total of 4 ways to escape.(2 mongoose),(2 Other) Link to Jungle Prison : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Thank You. if you think it's good than why did you give it a bad vote on the poll. and like i said,"It works with all cop's and robber's gametypes. i'll put my gametype for it up later if i get the chance. Link To Gametype: : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details I made this map a while ago before i relize how usefule interlocking was.Also, all the powerweapons are outside the map,plus,with the gametype and how hard it is to kill the cops,those power weapons are neccasary. believe it or not i made this a few months before i had even heard of forgehub.Also like i said,all the power weapons are outside the prison,therfor,you accualy need to escape before getting,the gametype for this map makes the cops pretty hard to kill. Also!i am currently at work at a V2 for this.So if anyone would like to join me and help create/test the new version, my Gamertag is Unfaithfulreapr.
Wow this is a good job for something non-foundry. Can you get out though? The last picture makes it seem like thats the end and your done. You should make you own gametype also, people dont like having to change it themselves.
The map looks good but you could have interlocked the single boxes at least. There's too much power weapons too. 3x Shotguns, 7x Snipers, a flamethrower and a Spartan Lazer? The map gets 3.5/5 from me. I'll download it however and see how well it plays and do a forgethrough.
ITS good but too many power weapons, admittedly uve not been here long and its a good effort, use the forging 101 teqniques or bl00d f1r3 forging school on youtube, its good, but looks rushed,, looking forward to v2