New Xbox 360 problem? Black Screen and White Dots?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by JaceMc, Jun 27, 2008.

  1. JaceMc

    JaceMc Ancient
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    So last night, I was playing Halo 3 in social slayer when the screen goes kind've green and the colours are all screwed. The audio is fine, and I could still play as if it were normal, except for the T.V. At first I thought the T.V had screwed up so I checked the normal channels and they were all fine. I had a look to see if the cables were plugged in. Eventually I left it to see if it would be all right in the morning.

    So I wake up, it looks fine, I go into 3 ball and it goes green again. I reboot the console, turn it on and it's black with white dots running across it. I move it to my T.V in my bedroom and it's still the same.

    So it looks like a new 'RROD', and it happens with all games and apparently it's a problem with a video card or something.

    A whole heap of people have been having this problem

    Anybody else gotten this? The 'BSWD SCANDAL'?

    Sorry if this is the wrong forum.
  2. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    ask linubidix about this, i think this happened to him
  3. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Yeah this happened to me a few months back. For a few days the colours were screwed, then randomly there was no picture, no matter what TV it was on. This sounds exactly like what happened to me. I'm not completely sure what the problem was, but I had to send it away.
  4. Azrius

    Azrius Ancient
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    Doesn't sound like it's actually a problem with your box. To me this sounds more like screwy component cables.
  5. Arch3m

    Arch3m Ancient
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    Might be an issue with the video card. Mine burned out a couple months ago, and a friend of mine has a very similar issue right now. Does everything else work alright? Sound, control, etc.?
  6. fiery

    fiery Ancient
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    Sounds like its about to die.My Elite was doing something similar the other day so i brought it to Best Buy and got a new Elite with my BB 2 year plan.The good thing about it is that the new Elite has the better cooler running Falcon chipset in it.
  7. Mastar

    Mastar Ancient
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    This happened to me too, except I didnt notice any crazy blue and green colours or anything

    one day I turned it on and the screen was just black with those white dots running across it.
  8. sk1LLz

    sk1LLz Ancient
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    Dude, omg. I signed up to this forum just because of this problem. my 360 elite had the same thing last night. I was worried about the colors being red, then green, then baby blue going all crazy like. Next thing you know i turn on my 360 and my TV is black, nothing. Did ANYONE find a way to fix this? any way to just buy a video card and replace it?? This SUCKS. My warranty is out too and MS ask $99 to send it in.
  9. Ak Gumby

    Ak Gumby Ancient
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  10. sk1LLz

    sk1LLz Ancient
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    no wonder why you have over 9,000 post. The majority of your most are probably never informative and unnecessary. You can't even spell. You Also use excessive amount of letters. It's okay. Your probably just some 12 year old who wants a little attention from this forum.
  11. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Microsoft offers an extended warranty on their consoles for problems such as this....3 years I believe. Call them up and see what they say. If they claim that they're going to charge you for it, ask to speak to a higher supervisor. Be straight forward, but kind. It'll get you much farther than shouting at customer service.
  12. sk1LLz

    sk1LLz Ancient
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    yeah i talked to one guy. It seemed like he was about to ship me out a box but i told him i would call back to test my AV cables first. Turns out, it's something bigger than that. Most likely is the video card. Anyway, i call back and this girl answers the phone. She was nice and i was nice but she said that my warranty ended september 25. So pretty much theres probably nothing they can do about that. Maybe if i call back i can get someone to get me the job done for no charge. I doubt that though. I'm thinking of just getting the console only on eBay and reselling the elite because there is no video cards available for buy.
  13. maddflash

    maddflash Ancient
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    Well a lot of people get these problems from having there xbox sitting on a carpet or an enclosed area, Because the xbox cant get enough air, it will just freeze up. Its happened, to me, my friend and my cousin. I always thought playing on a carpet world be fine because of the extra air holes but that's not the case.
  14. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    This happened to me also. Apparantly, the graphics card (I think thats what my friend said it was) got screwed up. I had to send it in eventually.
  15. SlasheI2

    SlasheI2 Ancient
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    same thing also happened to me and including the weird colors, it looked like wind waker. Then the next day i got black screened with white dots. I think that microsoft put like a timed bomb in the 360 to get money or something. I just signed my xbox on and lied and said that I had 3 red rings. Then wehn I sent it in they fixed it.

    Just lie and say you have red rings and hope they fix it like mine did.
  16. sk1LLz

    sk1LLz Ancient
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    thats a darn good idea.
  17. smitty0018

    smitty0018 Ancient
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    Just to let you know, he doesn't actually have over 9,000 posts, that's a reference to a YouTube video I believe. Second of all, you did necropost, which is against the rules. If you don't know what a necropost is, then you haven't read the rules. But just for your information, it's basically bringing back a dead thread (ha rhymed). As you may have noticed, this thread hasn't been posted in for 6 months...

    OT: I had this happen to me as well, and I did that same exact thing. Sent it in saying that I had RROD and they fixed the problem.
  18. SPARTANZ77

    SPARTANZ77 Ancient
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    this reminds me of when i try to whatch pirated movies i get these in the corner all the time,but never with xbox games i dont think its the cables i think its the xbox itself
  19. sk1LLz

    sk1LLz Ancient
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    Yeah, i didn't read the rules. The only reason why i registered was because i searched on google for a solution to my problem and this forum/site/page came up. I was curious about it and wanted to see if anyone had any ideas which you guys did and it could be VERY helpful. I think thats retarted [necropost]. I Was administrator of a VERY popular/famous PSP/PSP modding website and that just defeats the purpose of a forum. It's not like i was spamming. If this thread is against the rules to post in then moderators/admins should've locked or deleted it by now. I wasn't going to start a new thread on the same topic. I came here, made a post and received helpful comments that made me change my mind about selling my 'broken' elite for $60-80 and keeping it to send in to MS which sounds like a MUCH better idea. If necroposting is what you call it. Then i guess breaking the rules was a good thing.

    PS. This is a big deal. Black screen with white lines/dots is indeed a big a problem. Another crazy messup from M.S that isn't the RROD.
  20. Plasma Napkin

    Plasma Napkin Ancient
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    I had a problem quite similar to this one. Everything was drawn in lines and flashed, and I could hardly see anything. I turned it off, shook it, and it worked fine again. Then, the same problemm occured again, and a few seconds later, it showed me

    System error in various languages.

    It was sometzhing with the running gear (right word?)

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