Click here, and hit "View in HD" underneath the video. By far one of the best trailers I have ever seen. The gameplay wasn't that fascinating, but the editing / quality was just superb. Note: This is not mine.
Something wrong with you guys? The only good thing I saw was the ending. The beginning isn't that hard to make.
Holy crap. I almost forgot to watch it in HD it had such good quality. I like how he didn't have the HUD on until he got the Killtacular. Nice find.
I like how it's in HD but other wise, meh. The intro and outro were nice but didn't add anything for me really.
The picture was absolutely amazing. I have never seen anything like that. I wonder what equipment he uses?
Man, the HD is incredible. You don't realize what a difference it makes until you see it. Nice trailer, liked the music. Reminds me of a band called Explosions in the Sky.
I'm saying I don't like it, doesn't mean it's bad. I can not like it and not be able to do it. We're all entitled to our opinions.
Wow that was really good, the gameplay in the video was also good, but the editing was the best part of it. nice find
Holy crap! That was some seriously awesome editing there. Everything was beautiful and clear and it flowed so evenly. I wish I could do that, maybe make some cool map videos.