Hey forgehub this is my new map called Misplacement Download Link:Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details This map took me a month of forging. This map is basically for CTF but supports all gametypes there are 2 warthogs in this map so if its to small for you i will take them out and put ghosts in. I tested this map for like 2 hours not very long i know but if you find any glicthes notify me. David250 Vehicles 2 Warthogs - spawn 120 seconds Weapons 1 Spartan Laser - 90 Seconds 6 Battle Rifles - 30 seconds 4 Smg's - 30 seconds 4 Assault Rifles - 30 seconds 2 neederles - 30 seconds 2 beam rifles - 30 seconds 1 shotgun - 30 seconds 2 stationary turrets - 30 seconds Equiptment 10 plasma granades -10 seconds 10 Granades - 10 seconds 1 spike 10- seconds 2 firebomb 30 seconds - 10 seconds 1 overshield - 120 seconds Trust me this map is fun but any troubles call me Interlocking geo merging is included Now for some pictures Download Again:Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
I like the awesome geomerges in the first picture. Im some picture your merging looks a little sloppy so i think you could fix that. also you might want to make the spawn time longer for the needler, shotgun, beamrifle, and spartian laser.
Looks good, I like your Warthog spawns. Although there really isn't any new concepts in this map it still looks okay. I might DL and try it the afternoon but I'm not gonna make a ny promises because the slayer maps now adays are never original and get boring VERY fast. 8/10
looks cool, i especially like the mancannons in teh stairs, i used them in my last map and they totally kick ass! perfect interlocking and geomerging too. 4/5 and dl
Nice Urban map. Not the best but worthy of some good feedback. The base area looks a little empty. Not much cover in that area. Also you need to make it so that you can't fall behind the boxes on the edges of the map. Finally where is the spartan laser.
Honestly it looks like Anvil with geomerges, and interlocks. but nim not saying its a bad map. i do like the two warthogs and how you used the entire level of foundry. but power weapons should take a little bit longer to respawn. and the bases need alot more cover. and did you block the back hallway off because that would ruin the ctf gameplay. it looks good but thats not all that you need. 3 out of 5.
well... where do i start? first of all i give you props for the warthog spawns, but it sure seems like you did that ... and then got really lazy... the boxes touching the sides of the map arent geomerged, you have four types of grenades, which you should really check up on the grenade placement guide.(ill find it give me a few seconds to piss) also the mancannons.... the one on the left side you need to jump in order to use it, fix that. and also the stairs' invisible barriers at the very tip of them create a MASSIVE bump when walking over it. geomerge them to fix that. other then that the map is quite open, and respawn times are low. 2.5/5 but this could definetly become a 4.5/5 easy.
Nice map but need to be work ! ( i will help you ) Why i said that because your base are to simple add more cver or somethings like that !