Blast O Matic

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Unrivaled 36, Dec 15, 2008.

  1. Unrivaled 36

    Unrivaled 36 Ancient
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    Blast O Matic
    Can you escape the proffessors wrath?

    This is my 1st map post on forgehub so please bare with me :p

    Late one night 2-16 college students were testing chemicals in the lab. All of a sudden there college proffessor bolts in and sprays them with mutating chemicals that turn them into filthy lab rats. They are thrust into a small, cramped cage with only one thought, freedom. The proffessor has been wanting to test rats reactions to explosions and pretty colors, and now he has the perfect specimens. They must go through the experimentation tunnel and face the Blast O Matic. The Blast O Matic is a state of the art invention that hurls fusion coils in the press of the button. They must make it through the tunnel avoiding the Blast O Matic and get to the maintenance room. In the room there is a self destruct button that will destroy the proffessor along with the lethal Blast O Matic...

    Blast O Matic is a minigame made by me Unrivaled 36. It involves technique, skill and teamwork to prevail. The zombie starts in a narrow bunker, where there are 5 different powerups, each one for a different section. When the zombie grabs a powerup, it will shoot a fusion coil into a section of the tunnel. Timing is everything. Use your shots wisely, as it takes a couple seconds for the fusion coil to reset. The humans start out in a small area, safeguarded from the zombie and explosions. There are 5 sections you need to get through each one for a seperate fusion coil. Make it through the tunnel and take the custom powerup. This will blow up the propane tanks, starting a chain explosion in the Blast O Matic. Ironically, the Blast O Matic is the proffessor's weapon of destruction against enemys, but also leads to his demise.

    This map has took me in total, around 6 months to complete and try to perfect. There was no geomerging involved, but a good ammount of interlocking, including the bunker, cage, tunnel and maintenance room.

    Overall view

    Human Cage

    Human Experimentation Tunnel (No Shield Doors)

    Blast O Matic Bunker

    Maintenance Room

    Propane tanks-Cause of explosion

    Action Pictures

    Atleast he tryed

    He got lucky

    Example of BAD disraction= Kaotik Ginger :D

    Don't wait for stragglers

    Caboose533 almost there...
    whiteout76 for the win

    Doing his job

    Tips: Humans
    • Don't run straight through it, the zombie will almost always get you
    • Use distractions to take away attention from the rest of your team
    • Time your runs from section to section
    • Don't go in a group, thats easy kills for the zombie
    • Try going one by one, one person per section, to fool the zombie

    • Use your speed to your advantage
    • Time your fusion coils, because they take a moment to reset
    • Pay attention to the person leading
    • Watch out for people running out of the tunnel, there 1 shot kills
    Honor Rule: Sadly there is one honor rule in the game. The zombie cannot leave the bunker. The only reason he can leave the bunker is if players stay and hide inside the starting area. Please don't do this and ruin the game for the rest of us.

    If you have any suggestions or ideas as to keep out the honor rule, to better gameplay or for it to be more aesthetically appealling please let me know.

    Comments and Criticism are needed to help me improve the game, and if I get enough I'll make a v2.

    And special thanks to the testers!
    Kaotik Ginger

    Map: Blast O Matic
    Gametype: Lab Test
    #1 Unrivaled 36, Dec 15, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2008
  2. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    Cool concept. You make things much easier to understand than I am able to in any of my minigames (see Half-Cab).

    I give it a 4/5 only because of the honor rule.

    To fix the honor rule, couldn't you just use a timed respawn in the players' starting area to keep them from camping there such as a mancannon that hurls them into insta-death teleporters above or just a bunch of fusion coils that fall and kill them after a certain amount of time.
    #2 Sotha Sil156, Dec 15, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2008
  3. Mr Glove Eater

    Mr Glove Eater Ancient
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    Lol i was staring at your post thinking, "Blasto O Matic?" then i finally figured out how it works. it looks pretty fun tho i wish u could fix that honor rule thing (if i think of anything i'll tell u) and u misspelled 'professor' lol (only 1 f) queued for download
  4. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    Looks pretty good. Glad to see a traniee who actually got their map tested and worked hard on their post. I mean it is not feature worthy or anything but it is good. Really this took you 6 MONTHS to complete. Not many people work so hard on mini-game maps so I am glad about that.
  5. Goatnuts

    Goatnuts Ancient
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    How can you judge a map if you haven't played it, especially a mini game because they are based solely on gameplay(for the most part). Who knows if its really fun it could be feature worthy, but I cannot make that judgement because I haven't played it yet. On the other side how do you even know its good, you haven't played it yet. Sorry about my little rant, just hate seeing judgements about maps from people who haven't played them.
  6. zackj191

    zackj191 Ancient
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    Looks good. Probably gonna download and try it soon and for the camping part you could make a fusion coil that spawns after every 30 seconds to kill the campers/afkers.
  7. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    So basically this Is Duck Hunt (YAY, I GET COOKIE). Same concept shoot at the humans while they run (crouch on this map) to get the custom powerup to win. But this seems like fun although if I was the Zombie I would just run back and forth picking up the powerups.

    Looks pretty fun, will DL and try out, try to make a V2 with no honor rules.

    3/5 Untill I play
  8. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    I see this map more as a combination of duck hunt and torpedo jumpers (what a fun map that was). I actually think I'll download this, although I think I'll remove the whole honor rule thing.

    All you need to do is place a roof over the zombie's bunker and, like Sotha said, put grav lifts on the spawn points for the humans, and teleporters leading to their deaths above and make the grav lifts spawn 20 seconds into the game. Really simple and easy to forge.
  9. Unrivaled 36

    Unrivaled 36 Ancient
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    Thanks for the insight guys. I'm going to start on v2 when I get home hopefully. Should I edit v2 into my post or should I start a new post? Because theres only a small ammount of changes I need to make.
  10. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    Qued for DL. I was just looking around for some fun minigames to play. This looks interesting. Great post and pictures. I will have to come back for a review after I play. I do not rate maps like a lot of people on FH before I actually see and play the map for real. Good job, I will check it out.
  11. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    Just edit the post, if the changes are going to be small that is. If gameplay is changed more than anticipated, then repost v2 in a new thread.
  12. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    Um, I tried it with a bunch of people and it didn't really work. No one was dying and we just ended the game with everyone like WTF.. Let me know if you ever get a version that works.
  13. Unrivaled 36

    Unrivaled 36 Ancient
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    There was a slight problem with the gametype, you can either download the new one I linked or change it yourself. The only changes are that the humans now have 10% health instead of 1000% and the zombies have 150% movement speed now instead of 75%. It was originally this way but when I played it with my friend I changed it and forgot to change it back, then posted my map. :( You can easily change it yourself if you already downloaded it or download the new gametype if you havn't. Try it out now and tell me what you think.
  14. Leoparddude

    Leoparddude Ancient
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    Wow this was a blast to play. I tried it with the new gametype and with a few friends and it worked out perfectely. The only problem is the honor rule, and as "Master Debayter" said about the gravlifts and death teleporters, that would be a good idea for a V2

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