It looks like you tried very hard at the interlocking, although lots of the Interlocks are sloppy it doesn't take away from gameplay which is essential in competitive maps. Next time try to clean that up, standards are getting higher, don't wanna fall behind, i know i don't. Keep it up! 4/5
Ok well I played this map like 2 days ago and within about 5 minutes I escaped. That isn't an exageration. I am good at breaking maps and I like to test myself. I didn't do anything to tricky either just a simple grenade bounce. The main reason I did it so fast was I was thinking that I could break it just by one of your pics. so thats the first thing I tried and it worked. The place I broke it was in the fourth pic on the right where the wall gets smaller. If you want a better description of how I did it, where it was, or help fixing it (shouldn't be to hard), or if you just want me to test any other maps send me a message on here or xbox live. My gamertag is the same as my username.
Lol, never say you're map cannot be escaped, case in point above. And if he hadn't done it I would've, rargh! Anyhoo, a good first post. You listened to the posting advice from the first few replies and got it up to standards. I notice this is over a month old though so it'll be interesting to see if you're even still here, lol! I hope you're still forging though, you've grasped the basics, which is hard enough. I guess there's no point in trying to break this now :'(
lol well tahnks for breaking it though, in a way im kinda glad you did, this means now in my next map (thats almost done with the design) I will have to try harder to make it more clean, and completely impossible to get out of. Thanks for the map escaping offer GMF painkiller. On my next map ill let you try and break it.
I wish to inform you of another way that this map can be broken. I will tell you this so that you don't make the same mistake twice. and since the guy abovedidn't explain I will go ahead and assume that he found different way. Grenade jump from here to here! Now walk along this bridge of boxes and grenade jump to here. as you can probably guess just jump onto this ledge, and push yourself towards the wall. And voila, you're through. I also think that there is a way by standing on a friends head and grenade jumping from a wall by the frag grenades.
Pros Have nice interlocking Cons Needs work on the geomerging Looks a bit sloppy Seems with a well placed nade jump some one could get out of the map Overall: I say you make a V2 and work on all aspects of the map 2.5/5.0