My Not So New Minigame Project: Lava Man I have been trying to think of ways to effectively create a lava man-like game that plays similarly to the old Halo 2 game from Turf, in which the humans had to move objects into a path that let the grab the flag on the other side of the map and bring it back to their base without being eliminated* by the other team, which could only kill a human if they were standing on the ground. An example of that being that if a human were standing on a barrel, rolling it towards the flag, they couldn't be killed by the other team, but as soon as they fell off, they other team could kill them. *or did they have unlimited lives and the other team had to keep them from scoring for a set amount of time? If so, how long? _____________________________________ The only ways I could think of doing this, without honor rules other than no assassinations, would be with territories on Foundry, in which there would be one giant, but very short territory that encompassed the entire map on only the ground. The map would probably have to be flat and geomerged so that the territory would extend only slightly above ground floor. That way, the attacking team would be able to die when standing on the ground (in the territory), but would be invulnerable when not. The possibilities and problems of using territories though: - the attacking team would either just have to reach the other side of the map, - they would have the other territory spawn back at their base when they reached the other side (but they could just leave someone to wait in their base to capture it when they reached the first territory), or - the map would be twice as long as normal, and the first territory would only be a halfway point. _____________________________________ I would just make it like the good old days with honor rules. Where the zombies just weren't allowed to kill anyone that wasn't on the ground. That way, it could also be capture the flag. _____________________________________ Any ideas you have for a better way of making the game would help a lot. Also, if someone has already created a game like this that is actually good or has already used the method I described, I would appreciate a link to their game.
i used to love that game... i will look at ur maps in a min... hopefully u can make an epic one so some1 else doesn't make more... so put ur all into it... slopes barrels cant roll up and u need to nade some barrels over toward u... and the thin thin rails... and swording boxes over to jump on like the good old days... u could just do it the halo 2 way lol no need for the big ter... just honor rule it... if the zombies r going to kill them they would just assasinate... but build it n PM when it is done
Hopefully I will be able to make it this winter break. I will be sure to send you a message though once it's finished.
Sounds interesting. Here's my suggestion. Instead of a flag, it would be a good idea to have a teleporter which would take the players to a safe room with the 2nd territory. By capturing this territory, the attacker's score a point and win the round. You will already have custom traits for attackers and defenders. I suggest having the attacker's gravity set lower than the defenders and the the teleporter above normal jumping distance. The defenders cannot jump up high enough to get to the teleporter and so cannot get to the secondary territory room (so they can't camp). The attackers, however, will have decreased gravity when within the territory (as well as losing their invincibility). This will allow them to jump up through the teleporter. As for ending the round... can you set a winning points limit (like in slayer) on 1 sided territories? If so, just set it to 1. This idea would be good for an infection style game. If the teleporter is situated within the centre of a large buidling. Zombies/Attackers must get in to the building and then make a dash for the teleporter. Another good idea, if you design a larger map, would be to have 2 or 3 teleporters around the map. Oo! More ideas! Allow the attacker's on to balcony areas with lots of movable objects. that way they can drop down more cover/objects to jump on. This sounds fun, I might try making a map like this!