So I was on live the other day, and my friend wanted to try making a map that he had thought of. He was lining up two double walls, and the lines on the walls didn't match when he left them alone. I decided to line them up, and he said that I unaligned them when they looked perfectly lined up on my screen. Example: what I see: [ [ What he sees: [ [ [ [ [ [ Our conclusion is that something is skewed over the translation of data on live. I have also noticed this when downloading maps from FH. Everything on the map was unalligned just a touch to the right or left... wierd. Has anybody else noticed this? Does anybody know if this is varies with internet connection speed? EDIT: I'm noticing that my example doesn't want to show what I want it to show on different screen resolutions... If it doesn't make sense, just ignore it I guess...
Yeah, I've seen this also. I've just attributed this to lag when I was playing with a friend. Could also have to do with TV size, possibly?
This has happened to me with grav-lifts and weapon holders before. I'll say that the grav-lift is facing one way, and he'll say it's the other way. WEIRD!