Tribulum will be the first complete group forge done by the H3C GFP (See sig). It will be a smooth, competitive map with unique structures and varying gameplay based on symmetry. We are currently working on the map structure itself, and are about 85% done with that. Then, we will move on to spawns and weapon sets. It will not feature any crazy, never-before seen geomerges (Although Furry will be responsible for some beast back-hallway ones) or brand new techniques. It will not be budget glitched. Tribulum will be based on durability, solid gameplay, and likely a submission to Atlas. Its weapons and actual build will change based on symmetry, making it a very suitable map for One Flag and One Bomb. In asymmetric maps, defending teams will spawn in the back base, and attacking teams spawn in the back hallway of Foundry. There will be a customs edition and a Matchmaking edition - with varying weapon sets. The customs edition will have a very bold, unique weapon set, including likely a couple of bubble shields, a fuel rod and a chopper.
Wow man what kind of program is that you are using to create the Forge model? This looks like a very interesting idea and the layout looks great. It's looks very smooth but that might just be the program you are using lol idk. Also it does look a little too open. But i guess if there will be a chopper in the map it will have room to roam. Looks good H3C GFP waiting for the actual map.
That's an awesome layout, Nevz. The model looks very clean, and the tunnel patterns look very interesting. Let me know when this is finished, and I will be happy to download.
This map looks superb. I honestly wish i didnt completely blow at sketchup now. I am now anxiously awaiting the release of this. ALso Chrisv41, go to the Halo Forge Discussion section, go to the bottom until you see the stickied thread named "Halo 3 Forge Foundry Sketchup Components" you will find the program and how to work it there sorry the link didnt work, I tried twice
Yeah, I definitely recommend using Google SketchUp to anyone undecided. I can't express how much easier it is to plan out maps, and to converse with others. Smeagle currently has the map, and he is finishing the last part of construction. Expect it soon, I'm not sure on weapon sets yet. There aren't a whole lot of spots for power weapons, but we'll see. I think that box with two A signs would be a good spot for camo, and I'l have to balance it with something on the other side. Maybe a few added structures in the final version.
This map looks awesome. Can't wait for see it, collaborations always turn out great. For some reason, I'm really liking those A signs inside the little fence-cage thing in the last pic, looks awesome. Keep up the great work.
The fencey looking items are guides for height and angle measurements. They will not be there in the actual map.
If its anything near as good as fissure, then I look forward to the grand unveiling =) Though I must admit I was disappointed to read that those cage thingies are visual aids
Lol, I guess I confused a lot of people with that part. In the unveiling of my new website I've gotten a bit off track in the progress of this map, I need to see who has the back hallway designs (Not pictured, but some fancy merges probably) done, then I can do the weapons and spawns.