why the heck would a 16 year old not get to play anyway, heck, ive been playing since i was 10, it truly deserves a T rating, but still, he obviously had HUGE probs. God i hate that the media always blames video games...
i cannot believe what they did to this. i feel incredibly sad for his father, but the fact that they have turned a game like halo 3 into the root of all evil is terrible. 1) it is not violent, look at condemmed or gears of War 2) how is it that a kid who apparently has been good his entire life, suddenly tweaks and kills his parents. That is a huge step to take. somenthing else obviously had to happen. 3)he didn't even play the game. how could it's violence cause him to kill someone. Unless he read the warning on the back that said violence, but then if the word violence was what set him off, he obviously was messed up. You can't go from a nice kid to a killer just because of a videogame cover. It doesn't happen. He had to be a killer anyway and the taking away of any personal possesion must have been the last straw. I hate the media!!!!!!! Sincerely MT
Gosh, I hijacked an airplane earlier today to experience the exhilaration of hijacking a Banshee in mid-flight. Trust me, it's not nearly as fun.
I find it funny how simple minded some of you are... oh well. First off I'd like to make this clear... killing your parents because they took something away from you (though that's a poor reason to kill them) is not pure evil. Pure evil is when you commet sin and have no reason behind it. This kid most likely had mental problems and according to xX5w33ny70ddXx's post and source (which in turn it seems noone else in this thread read) the kid had a severe staph infection which mostlikely spread to his brain and added insult to injury. In the end, it's highly illogically that the kid did it because of halo 3. Sure, because his parents took it away from him caused him to finally snap and to do something about it... but if it were something else of equal value to him, something less violent, then I still believe he would have done it. Humans have their limits. Break them and bad things will most likely come from them.
Why thank you vorpal I was beginning to think the same thing, and you hit the nail on the head. Also, good point MT, I over looked the fact that he had not even had a chance to play the game yet, except possibly at a friend's house.
****ed........ Up................ How come he was 17 and was not allowed to get an M game. 17 and up.
Attention parents: Due to the mass amounts of suicide, violence, and crap we dont want to happen happening while a video game is within 10 yards of child, they are banned. Period. So are condoms.
wtf that stupid kid is messed up, I dont understand how you can see your parents in front of you and shoot them. And its over halo, sure i love halo but i just dont get it, why shoot his parents.
Quoting for truth and intelligence. At least some people are able to form something intelligent other then 'Dude's ****ed up.' I'll also quote this for more truth.
Vorpal hit the nail on the head. I don't think anyone should say anything unless it contributes more than this./thread
That's just stupid. "Hey you took my Halo 3 away, now I'm gonna kill you, literally. Haha now I'm gonna go to jail" Stupid kids these days. I wouldn't even kill my parents if they took away everything of mine except food.
I would kill to play Halo 3 also. My folks wont let me get Gears of War 2. But its sad. He would get to a 30 and than lose his rank. JK but I dont understand??? Why would you ruin your life to play a game.
why do people kill for drugs, they are so addicted or insane that they would do anything for it. im not justifying, just explaining.
That really is ridiculous. I get into fights with my parents over video games every once in a while but I wouldn't shoot them. That guy is obviously a nubcake. And sharp, I guess that's a good analogy but people don't usually kill their own parents, and drugs are an actual addicting substance. Video games are just too awesome.
That infection must have went to his brain. The illness had to have caused him to snap and then finally kill his mother. His dad was lucky to survive. My question is how did he kill his mother without his dad hearing the gunshots? Unless he shot his dad first and then shot his mother (since his dad was still alive). Also, this is why you don't keep guns in a house. Sure they're good protection, but all you really need is a baseball bat or something else that's got a good blunt impact to it too.
Wow, that is crazy. Why would a kid do that, over a video game? This generation is so addicted to video games, some of us go to drastic measures... crazy I tell ya.