Hey would any-one like forge with me for a slayer map I've already started on it it's probably 35% done. Can any-one please be willing to help me and one more thing you have to be good and know all the tricks i don't want to be forging with a newbie! P.S: I got red ring soo it might be awhile!
Spam and double post. TKO, you have red rings do you not? You just made a thread about it 6 minutes ago.
yo i just joined two minutes ago u havent seen my maps they are good i promise u that... i'll help u man! i swear i know how to do everything and i just made a slayer map the other day
Hes the same person. And since when does ForgeHub rank determine a person's forging skill? And you still haven't answered my question, you have RROD do you not?
yess i got red ring forgot to add that calm down jeez no offense and usually UNSC Trainee people have to prove there good at forging which those two people haven't!
I can help, if you'd like. Im fairly good at interlocking and keeping things straight and alligned. My best maps in my signature, but don't completely judge me based on that. I've been looking at some of the best maps on this site and trying to learn from them. My GT is XLPun15h3LX
Yea, because i'm better than both of you and im a UNSC Trainee. lol.. I really don't know how good you guys are. But, TKO, you can add me and i'll take a look. I'll help with some sick merges or ideas or whatever. GT: TKS x MoNsTeR x thnx peace
I can actualy give you a solid trainee. I was a Ranger? I think, and forged a map with one. WE're actually still working on it, and I got him into premVnonprem.
I am pretty good and precise with forging... Things I know how to do: Geo-Merge Interlock Get out of Map (Turret and Tele) Get underneath Foundry Get indestructible grav lifts under the floor. Make doors work. Know how to set up the spawning system. Timed Objects. Advance flotation. Clone myself. Get warthogs or any other vehicle in the floor.(just scenery) I was actually looking for someone myself and then I saw this post.