
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Creeping Death, Dec 15, 2008.

  1. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    Gametype supported:

    - Conquest

    6-10 players

    Ramshackle is a Conquest map created on Ghost Town. I have taken the 2 outside buildings and joined them together to make a tunnel system perfect for Conquest. I also took my time to make it as realistic a level as you'll ever see. I Geo-Merged bridges and barricades into every hole I could find to completely close off the level and make it appear as if no Geo Merging ever occurred. I also created a few lighting effects in various spots with man cannons. The map is a shade smaller than most Conquest maps and because of this I recommend 3v3 or 4v4. Anything bigger than that proves to be a bit hectic but by all means do it if you please. Standard weapon sets and destinations for all past Conquest maps apply. This also supports v3 of Conquest and features a custom powerup that spawns 90 seconds into each round.


    Assault Rifles
    Battle Rifles
    Plasma Rifles
    Sniper Rifles
    Brute Shots
    Spike Grenades











    Download Ramshackle

    Download Conquest v3
  2. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    wow, first.
    Conquest on ghost town would prove to be tough to forge, but if you did well, I applaud you sir. Im not much of a fan of Conquest as others, but i see it follows the rules, looks forged well, and seems like a lot of fun. 4/5
  3. Frito92

    Frito92 Ancient
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    looks very good from what i can see...i havent seen a capture the flag map on ghost town in a while, nice merging, it looks like u transformed ghost town into a completely different map...=]
  4. spectraltravis

    spectraltravis Ancient
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    congratulations you built a good map not on foundry it is very well done and seems to have very fast paced gameplay also the close quarter combat makes it even better 4/5
  5. zackj191

    zackj191 Ancient
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    YAY new conquest map! Gotta DL this and try it soon as I can, I love Conquest!! The pics look very nice and I like how it isn't on foundry and still looks nice. I don't know how balanced it will be though even though it looks like you tried to make it as good as you could. Gotta DL this then try it out for a betetr review.

    9/10 for now but gameplay map improve or unimprove the rating.

    It's conquest not capture the flag... actually read the post plz and not just the pics
  6. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    I got to play this several times during testing, and it was a fantastic conquest map. I never once got sick of playing it, which is rare for me. The weapons were done in a mostly dual selection, which i loved. people focus too much on power weapons and BRs, so this was a nice treat to me.

    The custom powerup was always interesting when brought into play, as it basically decided who had control. there was always this constant war... pushing at each other for the gaining of an area. I enjoyed this muchso, and i think people should overlook the fact that it isnt foundry and give it a chance. the geomerging was done beautifully. I love ghost town, but i also love the fact that i dont feel like im on it when i play this.

  7. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    Not really, interlocking and geomerging isn't everything you know. I love conquest so i will get a game on this imediatly. As a matter of fact i am really glad to see this because i am working on a map on ghost town and I can look to maps like this to reference.

    Ohhhh, merging. I don't see ant merging.
  8. evilution101

    evilution101 Ancient
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    Did you even read the post at all. He put objects stratigickly(horrible spelling) You dont need to have interlocking or geomerging in a map to make it good but in his post he says he geomerged all the cracks shut. He said he geomerged but said he wanted it to look like he didnt geomerge. I guess it fooled you. actually read the post and you might understand how the map looks.
    The map looks really good. You dont see to many maps built on ghost town let alone maps that are made for conquest. I like the map and give it a 5/5. I will download and do a forgethrew to see what the map looks like and I will play some games on it to see how gameplay is.

    edit-Forgegod, I was typing when you posted your comment.
  9. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    I want to make this clear, and Evilution is right because he actually read the description and probably downloaded and checked it out, this map...

    ....Is nothing BUT merging.

    Check out pics #3 and 4, and also the last pic. Every single hole in the wall that you could sneak out of has a bridge, ramp, or barricade merged into it. There is not much interlocking because it is a small and enclosed Conquest map, but there IS some interlocking also.

    C'mon people, what do I have to do here? Why does every map made have to be a crazy geomerged Foundry map for you to give it a chance??
  10. zackj191

    zackj191 Ancient
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    Nobody said it had to be amazingly interlocked or geo-merged that guy just didn't read the post and looked at the pictures only because he is a newb. Lots of posts(like 3 or 4 of the 7 or so) actually said that the map looks good and the will dl/ or have dled already. I for one need to test it today after school however because sadly my school has no Xbox 360 lieng around.
  11. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    Yeah, I know some people have noticed the merging and said they like the look of it, but my comment was more of a jab at the forums in general. I mean look at the guys comment, he clearly judged on pics. And look at Fritos comment, he thinks it's a CTF map.

    Even on a Foundry map you get a bunch of people that give the maps a high or low rating based only on pics, which gives me sadface :0(

    Anyways, yeah I hope you enjoy the map man, it's a lot of close quartered fun, especially if you like Conquest.
  12. xLMSxTRiLoGY

    xLMSxTRiLoGY Ancient
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    Really why do people need maps like that, this is awesome, probably better than some maps that are crazy geomerging and interlocking on foundry.

    In my opinion C.Q.B. maps are the best in my opinion, this one is nice and inclosed and impossible to escape (from what ive tried) but this is a step up from any other C.Q.B. map i have played (not many in halo) Ill give the map a 4/5 once I play it I'll edit my rating. Nice Job :)
  13. Mearm

    Mearm Ancient
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    I completely agree with you. Geomerging and interlocking do not make maps, they add to the aesthetics. I am disapointed to see that some people only care about the interlocking/geomerging in a map, and dont even download to see what the map is like gameplay-wise. I can see the geomerging on every single one of the exits, and it looks great (especially the one with the fence wall, I really like that one). This is a very neat idea and the map looks really fun to play on 5/5 from me.
  14. Sage

    Sage Ancient
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    i Remember doing testing on this map. Its is so win i cried A LOT. My team always won though. I remeber getting a sniper spree in one of the test sessions. I definitely think this is a good map. I hope it is featured *hint*hint*. I also like the whole position of the map on Ghost Town it is so perfect.

    overall 91/100
  15. SiN Fwang

    SiN Fwang Ancient
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    absolutely! whatever that guy said was pretty stupid. but i love this map. finally, a non-foundry map that is worth downloading. i've seen some pretty bad maps on other non-foundry maps, so this is a breath of fresh air. the geomerging and interlocking is great. well done, 5/5! keep it up!
  16. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    now just because there one noob out there that rates a map on only interlocking dosent mean we hate it , heck i can't do half of these geomerges and i dought he even knows what that is....
    any who onto the map when i first saw this way back when i was expecting gameplay a lot similar to lights outs 10 paces and turn, however that map you had the option to attack from different sides while this one is like a mix between that and the cellars, the forest area and the pipe room are open so you get your bring quota and the hallway made me feel like i was playing cellars and gave you a use for duel weilding in other words if you like conquest and you want to see a map on ghost town with geomerging then this if for you
    a 5, out of 5 this map is smothered in epic win sauce
  17. Public Servent

    Public Servent Ancient
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    Some of the replys on your maps are just plain ignorant. Do you have to deal with this crap all the time? I wonder if this is why so many staff members are retired. I guess fame has its price, and every one is subjective. But man let it slide off your back, cause its got to be discuraging to constantly hear this nonsence! Dude you are a great forger and seem to create a new fun experience every time you make a map. I personaly dont know how you keep up this pace, but I hope it it doesnt slow. I downloaded the entire map pack this one came from and they are all a great time, and a definate DL. Ive reciently started gathering the old halo 1 lan crew for some Halo 3 games, all we play is forge maps and we had a blast playing these last three. I forgot how fun it is to actually interact with real faces when playing halo. Its so refreshing to play with people who arent jaded and just want to have fun. I suggest for every one on forge hub to gather up some friends if you have any, I say that because by some peoples attitudes here I'm sure they dont. But for the rest get some festivities, download every last one of
    Creep1ng De4ths maps and play them as if you were only aiming at having a good time and I gaurantee you will!
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