Hey all, KFirejumper and I have been working on a couple maps and one of them is on Ghost Town. Its called Boarded Up and consists of the buildings linked together but denied access to the open areas. In the bottom of the building in the middle of the map there is a fenced off hallway, so I put teleporters down to create another path people can take. I was wondering if you guys thought this was A) a good idea and leave it, B) try to cover up the teleporters somehow but keep them, or C) ditch the tele hallway. If you want to look at the map I have as far as we have gotten so there is not a whole lot of stuff in it, but you can see what I am talking about. The map is here (http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=60547971#) and if you could get back to me that would be great. Thanks, Ren
I would suggest ditching the tele-hallway. Now, don't take my opinion for too much credit because I haven't seen the map. However, I'd factor in the adverse effect teleporters can have on gametypes like Oddball and VIP. In general, though, teleporters (unless used superbly) result in a bad gameplay. P.S. Don't take the post for a diss. I'm merely offering what little knowledge I have. I noticed you're new here, and I hope you enjoy ForgeHub. Can't wait to see the maps, bro.
Yeah that was one of my thoughts and the reason for asking, but I also felt I could open up some space and add some square footage without leaving the original idea. Actually I've been around a while just never made a user till Kfire and I started to post our maps. And no offense taken. Thanks, Ren