WATERFRONT V2 OK this is my version of the map waterfront Wolfmk47 has his version but we both built most of it together i tor down most of what me and him both made in my version and redid it here it is: __________________________________________________________________ the defenders base side the base by the water with a dock
I like it but maybe some more over view shots like the first picture. It would help me see the map better. I will download the map however to see it.
it looks nice. pretty clean. i cant really see too much of the layout. try to get an overview pic (or make one in paint er something). and can u put a weapons list? i dont really like the water theme personally but this one is fine. the map looks like a 5/5 but the post needs some work.
new pics: the trail sniper spawn goose and wall mounted rocket spawn the sword spawn i hope these help and pretzal i dont recall i won the last 2 games
no i wont to much work no im kidding its just imbarassing since you where spawn killing but i fixed that just dont play team slayer with two people
Based on the pictures the map looks like it was well-thought out. I do like the idea of the map and its rare water effect. I really like the way you made the water only about ankle-high. That way, people cant just crouch to avoid being hit. Waterfront looks like a map full of surprises. The initial weapon setup may be a little too strong though, since the map seems very small and enclosed. Some things you may consider revising are the many bumps on the map. I see there are some on the transitions between bridge to box. Also it looks like the flow of the map is disturbed since you werent consistent with your merging and interlocking. The vehicles on the map seem unnecessary. The shield doors acting as water would cause an infinite bounce and that isnt something that you would want in a competitive map. I honestly dont think much of the execution of this map but its a helluva great layout/idea. (all of these remarks are based on pictures)
okay, the map looked decent until the second batch of pictures. Dang, you need to take a visit to forging 101 man. Those bridges need interlocking and sheild doors can really mess up gameplay when used that way. The ghost probably needs to go too. It doesn't look like you could efficiently use a veichal on a map like this.
rememberhow long it took me to make this it isnt complete yet im working n a v2 well this is my version of it but im working on a v2 of my version that will take all of that out i just neede to see wht you uys thought of it and what i need to change in the v2 so yah and i only spent like 12 hours all together on this map right now
Nice but those bridges eww.... I would like to see them flipped but the second batch of pictures made the post look a bit worse. I would recommend you looks at forging 101 and eliminate some shield doors to make gameplay a bit smoother and so that grenades dont bounce Everywhere. 3.5/5
wolf i did most of the forging and did you not read my last post but the bridges are supposed to look like tracks but i am working on the next version tonight
ya i know. also guys im offline lately cuase my xbox broke. but i still need help with the videos im try to release. so if any one can help id be awsome.