Drivers Ed.

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by oTACTITIONo, Feb 28, 2008.


    oTACTITIONo Ancient
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    Link to map: Drivers Ed.

    Alright, this is what you are getting yourself into by downloading this map. Drivers Education is a original map created by oTACTITIONo (myself) and YarnoAlmighty. Basically, it's a unique and fun obstacle course that's the perfect map to play when ANOTHER frustrating game of team slayer just isn't gonna cut it. The course includes jumps, breakable barriers, fusion coil traps, multiple routes, hairpin turns, and more. I highly recommend it for those who wanna take a break from matchmaking and want to have some friendly driving competition with their friends.

    4-12 players
    Double Dash - This gametype is made specifically for this map and it plays a lot like Rocket Race. It's a VIP gametype with TEAMS OF TWO to drive each mongoose to the destinations while the VIP SLAUGHTERS the opposing teams. More details and rules at the link.
    License Test - This gametype was made for when you just wanna have fun driving around with your pals. Everyone including vehicles are invincible so that you can have a heated race or a casual drive just to check things out. INCLUDES WARTHOGS!

    [Left/Top]Garage- Each team spawns in their own little room as to avoid cheap kills. However, no promises once you drive out!
    [Right/Bottom]First Leg- Features a high and a low route. Your choice!

    [Left/Top]Second Leg- DANGER: Falling Fusion Coils--Watch your step!
    [Right/Bottom]Fork in the Road- The main split! Go through the tunnel of dread or down the staircase of doom...your choice. ;)

    [Left/Top]Route "A"- Through the tunnel is route "A". You can either jump back onto the course and drive around again, or veer right to get another vehicle or to pick up a downed team mate.
    [Right/Bottom]Route "B"- Down the stairs is a slightly longer route with hairpin turns and a jump with a fusion coil surprise. HINT: Try shooting the barrels once you go over the jump to stop the competition behind you!

    [Below]Back to the Beginning- Where the two routes meet once again to start the course over. Careful not to land on each other!

    **NOTE: This map has some honor rules built in. Don't ruin everyone's fun by driving backwards through the objectives, waiting at one place for the objectives to catch up to you, or killing everyone in sight just to piss them off. ALL YOUR DOIN IS PISSING EVERYONE OFF! If you're playing Double Dash, a VIP ONLY kills another VIP! See link to the gametype above for more rules. Again, don't be an idiot and ruin the game. THANKS!

    **Comments, Ratings, and Opinions are very appreciated! This is my first post so lets see how it goes.

    ~~~~~THANKS and ENJOY~~~~~
  2. uralllame

    uralllame Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I wish learning to drive in RL was like this :)
  3. Bllasae

    Bllasae Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Lol, this looks awesome.

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