AutoCorrupt Created by A Firey Hobo and SquigleyDoodle Supported Gametypes: Team Slayer, CTF, and Team Oddball (No FFA) Map Description You'll Love this map. Get ready, IT'S ISOLATION!! Anyway AutoCorrupt is a Completely Symmetrical. Each base has Weapons: 4x Spikers/2 Clips/60 secs 1x Carbine /1 Clip/45 secs 1x BRs/1 Clip/45 secs Equipment: 1x Power Drain/ 120 secs 2x Plasma Grenades/45 secs Vehicles: 1x Ghost/Never The Elevator The map has a part that SquigleyDoodle thought of completely by himself (although I forged) Its an elevator. Not just a Rising crate with a Custom Powerup, but it is 2 Grav lifts going up the tube on the Bottom of Isolation. When ever you walk backwards you just float up and down (I hate it when they jump down the hole). The Cover Its cover can be destroyed easily but does provide little cover. The destroyable cover makes you constantly on the move. Some of the cover even have explosives near them to weaken the Shooter The Power Weapons The Power weapons provide a wide variety of Shots to kill Enemies sniping,in vehicles, or on foot. The Power weapons include: Spartan Laser, Sniper Rifle, Brute Shot, and Plasma Pistol. The Brute Shot, Plasma Pistol, and Spartan Laser all provide damage to the ghost. All Weapons, Vehicles, and Equipment 1x Spartan Laser/180 secs 1x Sniper Rifle/1 Clip/90 secs 1x Brute Shot/2 clips/120 secs 1x Plasma Pistol/30 secs 5x Carbines/1 Clip/45 secs 5x Brs/1 Clip/45 secs 10x Spikers/2 clips/60 secs 1x Regenerator/150 secs 2x Power Drainer/120 secs 1x Grav Lift/150 secs ( use to obtain Spartan Laser) 4x Plasma Grenades/45 secs 2x Ghost/Never ________________________________________________ Overview Sniper Spawn Defenders Side Elevator Attackers Side Brute Shot Spawn Basement (Spikers) _________________________________________________ Thanks for all of the testers and SquigleyDoodle for Help on the map. Please Give constructive criticism and comments. Download AutoCorrupt
wow a map on isolation. Since ive been on forgehub i havent seen a map on isolation. I dont understand why isolation though? btw the map looks good. I cant really say much because theres not much to talk about from these maps except that im impressed that you were brave enough to post on isolation...i give you a 3/5
what he said i cant believe you actually made a map on issolation and im even more amazed that it turned out very decent and playable nice placement of scenery and weopons
nice concept, it really shows your skill as a forger in taking on isolation. the most notable feature i thought was the grav lifts, thats a really nice touch that affects gameplay. the basement looks a little iffy, but ill have to try it out. definite dl and a 4/5
allthough i am glad you trieda map on pre-DLC it really just doesn't look like it would play well. That elavator destroyed a great mean of escape and quick rocket launcher shute. The spikers why is that area blocked off. That place needs to house a power weapon unless it is MLG, it just doesn't fit. And i belive your sig is to big. 2/5 Sorry.
Im really impressed with the grav lift idea, and the map looks quite good. I dont really like that closed of basement area though. and the weapon choice lacks any good weapons. 2.5/5-50%