Farcry 2 FTW!!!!11!one!!eleven lol But seriously, get Farcry 2. Now. Not got it yet? Whats wrong with you?
whats up lockdown? how you been? I actually have Fallout 3 rented right now. But I feel like once I beat it, it would get boring since it doesn't have multiplayer. But I do love everything about it so far. EDIT: Except for constant weapon repairing and carrying too much weight.
I would say go with FarCry2 you will have more for your money if you get it. I love almost every aspect of the game besides the fact that you have a limit to the amount of vehicles that you can put on a map. Over all though it is a game I think every gamer should have especially if you like to forge in Halo 3. The FarCry2 map editor is amazing.
Why is Left 4 Dead going unnoticed by these hyped up games you listed? L4D is the best FPS to come out this year.Its addictive and has a good multiplayer mode too. This game is simply a gem. This game was made by the same guys who brought you Portal,Half-Life Series,Counterstrike. Valve is one of the best game dev-team ever. Go on metacritic.com and type in any game made by Valve and it will have a 90%+ score. L4D one of the best fps and zombie games of all time. btw this game has constant high reviews.
gears of war 2 whoops all of the other games booties. seriously.. i only have FC2 and GoW2 is way better
Those choices arent exactly too exciting. Gears 2 and CoD are both pretty boring. I own both of them and I just dont play them. I recommend Far Cry 2 because it will keep you on it more because of the map editor and the amazing maps people have made. Sure it isnt perfect but grab a friend and go and play a private match on The Eiffel Tower.
I would rent Far Cry 2 first, do not buy it right away! It was a mistake that I made, I no longer care for the game. I suggest renting it before you buy it, because the game is a very different style of play. So don't buy Far Cry 2, rent it first!
CoD: World at War if you want action Fable II if you want to be addicted heavily FarCry 2 if you want a mix of rpg, action, and the map editor Gears of War 2 if you want action Madden 09 if you like sports Left 4 Dead if you often have friends over
So I have bought Battlefield Bad Company new for $20 (great deal). I am about to return Fallout 3, which was purely awesome. I think CoD5 is top pick now. I'm looking for mainly something with good multiplayer and online.
GOW 2 totally kicks ass ... The campaign is fun while it lasts and the online is just quality .. And i think that the horde is very addictive but people would say otherwise .. xD
well gears one (as expected) but if you want something for a good deal dont get COD becuase COD:4 is still $49.99 and W@W is 69.99 at best buy
I beat the campaign with my friend. It was pretty cool. Online is alright. Too many people suck horribly and ruin it. But Horde is fun but gets old pretty quick. So I've pretty much ruled out GoW2.