Duck Hunt

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Xaixis, Dec 15, 2008.

  1. Xaixis

    Xaixis Ancient
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    (I've always had the thought of this game but I never actually "jumped" on it until I played another game with similar qualities. My brother (Xaixis Jr) and I re-created the game but with better aesthetics and game play.)

    Duck Hunt

    This is my very first map on forge hub, hope you like it!

    The point of the game is for the ducks (humans) to reach the top level of obstacle course (which is based on a 2D runway) while avoiding the hunter (zombie) who is perched up in a cage equipped with a sniper. Throughout the level is supportive equipment to help them from the sniper's scope. The ducks must work their way up to the very top which there is a custom power up (which allows the duck to kill the hunter, which wasn't able to do before) and a rocket.

    Downloads (Links updated 12/19/08)


    The Course

    "Duck" using bubble shield to move to the next barrier (Ducks are always black)

    "Hunter" in his/her cage (Hunters are always gold)

    Duck inching up the barrier, about to make a break for it

    Ducks dashing across to the next shield

    You can use the flare to temporarily blind the hunter. The hunter can still shoot back, but it is difficult. The contraption beneath hunter is for catching the flare so that it won't roll away.

    The duck finally made it towards finish!

    Whose the sitting duck now!


    This is somewhat the beta of the map. We had a few runs with little problems (which we fixed) before posting on this. So hopefully you guys will recieve little problems, but if you do then please post it on here or in-game (Xaixis or Xaixis Jr) so that we can fix it. Thanks so much guys!
    #1 Xaixis, Dec 15, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2008
  2. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    Get pics up, and then we will talk
    Here Ya Go

    It better be good, cause we have had way to many Duck Hunt Maps

    Noone else post about pics
  3. Gun Down

    Gun Down Ancient
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    As youtuber said your pics are broke. Hey I hope this is good because we've had really good duck hunt maps. Your idea is not very original but it could be good.
  4. Xaixis

    Xaixis Ancient
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    Ok fixed, sorry about that.

    Also sorry for being one of the crowd, =( I'll try to be more original from now on. But hopefully it's decent enough to compete with the others.
  5. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    How does one image work while the rest don't?

    Anyway, I downloaded the map because I was curious, and it's just one of those classic duck hunt maps on foundry where humans run along a pathway, up to a custom powerup, and moved to the zombie's box. However, this one is one of the better ones, it's constructed more neatly and not quite as cheatable as the others. I give this map a 3/5, because it's EXTREMELY unoriginal. I've seen SO many different variations of duck hunt maps on foundry,
  6. monk sausage

    monk sausage Ancient
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    You may want to fix the hunter's cage, if you decide not to then people will begin the get out through the window panels... unless you have trustworthy friends who honor the rules. A decent map one of the first ones i have seen thats smooth, although don't get horny or anything because i haven't looked at that many ;)

    Edit: I was revising the pictures and it shows you inched the panels up a little, I don't exactly know but maybe that was the fix to my solution. Sorry for not catching that
  7. Xaixis

    Xaixis Ancient
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    Um, I don't think that the hunter can escape the cage, He has gravity 200% and we've tested the cage and we were not able to get out. Although if you are able to get out then I will try to fix it.

    Response to Monk's edit: Ah ok no problem, ya we inched it up for that reason.
    #7 Xaixis, Dec 15, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2008
  8. EFG

    EFG Ancient
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    All these maps are pretty much the same, it would be cool if you came up with something original

    3/5 on the map
  9. SiN Fwang

    SiN Fwang Ancient
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    i agree that there are WAY too many of these maps, and i'm a little dissapointed at the fact that people still make them. so with that said, i will try to get past that and judge your map for all that it is.

    it is well made, interlocking is smooth, but there isn't anything special about this that isn't in other maps of this nature. so i'll give you a 3/5 because it's well made, but still try to come up with something more original. keep on forging!
  10. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    you shouldnt alter the player gravity, some people dont like that, i suggest merging a second row of windows about half way through the floor fo the cage so it allows the hunter to still se through but he wont be able to get through because it will have 3 bars instead of 2, anyway the map looks good but is wayyy to unoriginal for my dl sorry4/5 for a duckhunt
    3/5 for a map
  11. ShreddedDreamz

    ShreddedDreamz Ancient
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    a friend of mine made a map with the exact same ideas and near similar layout about close to a month ago. But anyways, speculations aside, I personally (all coming from my friends map, as they are almost mirror images) am not a big fan of this, however many are. It IS fun at times, and gets quite intense to work together to get up and across, to then just greedily compete against each other while you rush for the powerup/ rockets to kill the hunter. Anyways, I am sure many will like it as I don't prefer it, but enjoy it occasionally.
  12. thebeastlyboy15

    thebeastlyboy15 Ancient
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    i remember playing this map with my friends, it was a very fun and addicting game, and we even had a full party, but anyways, 4/5 for the effort, but 5/5 for the map, because its a great game, and i can finally play it again.

    good job, even if it was kind of unoriginal
  13. Xaixis

    Xaixis Ancient
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    Haha ok. Well in the mean time I will try to come up with something different. I really like mini-games so it will probably another mini-game. Thanks for the C&C.

    @pinoh: Only the zombie's gravity is 200% to prevent him from exiting the box. It does NOT alter his movement though as there is no need for jumping. Also there is no need for a second row of windows, the whole course is perfectly visible with the frames I made, making another set lower or higher would be pointless.
    @S.Dreamz: I'm not sure about your friends map, but this one was made entirely by me and my brother, I played one similar a bit ago but it was very crude and was made of almost just bridges and shields with no walls or anything. But also the one we played was only 2 stories and had slightly different gameplay. Other than that I have not played any other duck hunt variant.

    Anyways, I'll start devising something else then. As said, this game is one of many and completely unoriginal but thanks for the comments on my interlocking and such, I have somewhat of a forging OCD and it takes forever for me to leave something alone (I usually have to have everything perfect). Anyways thanks for the compliments on my first "official" map. I will keep on trying, hopefully with something more original ^.^

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