GTA 4 Game of the Year

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by LOCK.xcf, Dec 15, 2008.

  1. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Ugh, I hated Left 4 Dead... the gameplay was not my style at all and I hated the enemy movement. I didn't think it was anything near the caliber of the games Lockdown mentioned. I think he really nailed it all on the head.
  2. Thorax tehGREAT

    Thorax tehGREAT Ancient
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    GTA4 was fun for a little while but it just doesn't have that addictiveness other games did because multiplayer was kinda crappy because you knew where enemes were. L4D or GOW2 should have gotten it. If LBP was multiplayform it wouldn't triple it would skyrocket.
  3. Skill Caster

    Skill Caster Ancient
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    Well, I don't own it, but I certainly agree with its win. It's the most finely crafted video game in the industry right now in my opinion, but I still can't have it >_>.
  4. Thorax tehGREAT

    Thorax tehGREAT Ancient
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    If you owned it you would find it would lose it spark very fast.

    SPARTANZ77 Ancient
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    hmm on not suprised however im am very dissapointed with to mods for PC since the cars look so realistic there are almost no need for mods!
  6. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    L4D best shooter of the year. I cud care less about Spike TVs dumbass crap.
  7. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Like aforementioned, the reason I believe GTA IV does not deserve GOTY is the the simple fact that it looses its touch. Sure, it is fun to play, and go to every now and then, but that is not GOTY material. I also didn't feel that their was anything truly revolutionary about it. Sure, it had a big city, and people living everyday lives (I guess you can say that) but several games do that, and GTA IV's just doesn't stand out enough in the long run. Sure, at first you are amazed, but after playing for awhile you realize that there is a limit. You can go to a Burger Shot, pull a gun, and make everyone scared. That's it. The way people praise that aspect of the game, they make it sound like you can rob the place, or hold everyone hostage as police cars set up outside assessing the situation. But that doesn't happen. You also realize that people behave generally the same. Reactions to your actions become predictable, and the spark of amazement is lost. So all in all, the game is memorable, but not lasting. Out of all the games 2008 had to offer, GTA doesn't truly compete on the same level as others.

    I don't think L4D should have won, but it deserves acknowledgement. First off, the game is balanced. Sure, weapons are limited, missions are few in number, but you don't really need more. The game is addictive, and fun, at least to me and many others. There is nothing wrong besides lack of content, yet re playability is still there. It is also original and unique. A breath of fresh air. Also, the AI Director is revolutionary, being quite smart in determining how players are doing in order to create a challenge, while at the same time not making it too hard for players to overcome.

    Fable 2 won G4's GOTY, to much controversy, but think about it. The game delivered on every level Peter Molineux, the only disappointment was due to the fanbase and their rampant imagination. It is fresh and unique in a world of shooters, and graphics are quite remarkable. They have an art style to them, yet one people can appreciate and enjoy, and vegetation is some of the best I've seen. Combat is also quite good, with 3 simple buttons, each allowing the gamer to rapidly switch combat styles. While the game is easy, allowing casual players to pick it up and enjoy it, hardcore gamers can also appreciate that higher level of combat in flourishes in melee, and combination attacks. The world is also immersible. There are people, towns, even a dog. Your actions do change the world. In my game, one town where my wife and child lived got over run by the undead because I didn't take care of it, so I had to rescue my family before they got inadvertently killed. It's just a fun game, that I can sit back and play when I am done with shooting people on live. Yes, the game does have it's bugs, but Lionhead is working on fixing those, and new content is just around the corner. I think it deserved the award it got.

    Gears of War 2, although not necessarilly GOTY material, will last in the hearts of Hardcore gamers, just like Halo 3. Many argue that they didn't really change it that much from Gears of War, just added onto it, but honestly, do you believe that they should change game play mechanics for sequels, because adding onto them is not enough? Your disillusioned then. Gears of War one was practically perfect for the target audience it was going for, besides glitches. Gears of War 2 addressed those glitches, but also added new things to the game, making it better. Hell some say they changed too much. But the truth of the matter remains, this is Gears of War, and asking it not to be is ridiculous.

    Fallout 3, though I never got to play it yet, is also a great game. Open worldness, and immersible environment, VATS, FPS action, RPG, it is just all around amazing. They did significantly change the game from it's predecessors, but the past ones, few cared about, so the change was welcome. If the tattered and destroyed remains of Washington are not enough to amaze you, maybe VATS will. The system is truly ingenious, and surprised gamers everywhere. I for one questioned it, seeing how it appeared to make game play to easy, that gamers will get bored with it. Then I read how much everyone loved it, and realized that is not the case. They gave us FPS action, yet people (more times than not) choose to go with VATS, because it is just that amazing. To think, pre-targeting could surpass FPS skill, is amazing. I will not know how they pulled that off until I play it, and probably still won't. In my opinion, this game is one of the top contenders for GOTY.

    Far Cry 2. Don't eat me up, don't you dare. I am sorry, terribly sorry that the over hyped map editor failed to please many of you, but you asked for it. That's what happens when you give someone a tool that most anyone can use. Now, it is true that I have not played this game either, but I have a good friend who actually loves gameplay, and it shocked me. But from the sounds of it, it is quite amazing. Campaign, you get a sandbox, a huge stretch of land that is your playground. Yes, no quick travel, boo hoo, but get over it. The world is beautiful, and the graphics amazing. Also, the immersiveness of the FPS animation in the game is a site to behold. You heal yourself, enough to make me cringe just watching as you pop bullets out of your arm. You climb into and out of vehicles. Your gun jams. Fire propagation is the best to date. That is amazing, and a seller right there. And what I heard about multiplayer is that "it sucks" with no reason. Well, I won't say much, but I would love to play Far Cry's multiplayer after hearing about it. Game of the year? No. Amazing game? Yes.

    . Until I had played this game, I lost all hope for stealth action, long story, cinematic, and boss fights. Then I spent 19 straight hours playing this damn game at a friend's house. I am so glad I had apparently not lost all hope. GOTY? Well, sure belongs somewhere near that.

    Fable 2 - Simple but effective combat system, and interactive world.
    L4D - AI director
    MGS4 - Reinventing stealth action
    Far Cry 2 - Fire prorogation and realistic first person animation.
    Fallout 3- VATS
    Mirrors Edge - Revolutionary use of FPS perspective.
    Dead Space - Tactical Dismemberment
    GTA IV - Large city with pedestrians living life.

    I am missing so many titles right now, but I wanted to show you that GTA IV did not hold that much above other games. Compared to the achievements of other games, GTA's just don't quite cut it for GOTY material.
  8. ch33s3yboy

    ch33s3yboy Ancient
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    Holy **** sweeny, you deserve a ****in medal or something :D
  9. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    L4D is really centered on co-op. Did the game please you with its co-op? If the game did, then Valve did it right.

    For me, GTA4 is still fun on occasion. Whenever I'm really bored of playing Halo 3, I'll always pop in GTA4. I drive around, and talk with my friends. The open world enviroment is a great feature of a game where you just want to chill, and relax.

    True. There are many features in the game where players who have spent hours on haven't found yet. I remember one time when my car stalled. I convinced my friend to ruggedly push my car with his, and after gaining enough acceleration, it actually worked. That is one feature that really made me enjoy the game, and praise Rockstar.

    Well really thats your opinion. Some people still play the game and enjoy it while others don't.

    Every game for the PC is going to end up having mods. Why it would retain to you, I won't ask. But you can't stop people from modding.

    That is correct. As peoples emotions become predictable you lose the excitement for the open world enviroment. But then it will usually bring you back to playing missions, and deciphering the story. Thats one good aspect of keeping players entitled to playing it.

    I believe that if Valve wanted this game to be GOTY material, they would have made it so. What I love about Valve is every game, every detail, every play, its so unique. The focus and perfection they put into their games is momumentous. I think that Valve doesn't really seek to win GOTY, they seek to win the community.

    Yes Fable 2 rewarded its players. What it lacked in online play it made up for in single play. For every type of fantasy gamer, there was the three simple melee attacks. Even making your players destiny is up to you. The way the combined everything, and put it into one was remarkable. Just, I don't see it as a game where even after you beat it you will come back to it an still enjoy everything. The only thing I really enjoy about it is killing people, and thats it. I don't enjoy the things I did when I first picked it up.

    I tried to respond to every part of your post, but it was too long and time consuming seeing I must do my science project. But overall you basically had the same idea as I do.
  10. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    It only generated that much money because it is on more than one console.
  11. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    True dat, you can't play with just anyone

    Playing with friends just makings the yelling parts funner :D
  12. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    That is one of the smartest things I have heard on this site in a while.
  13. Thorax tehGREAT

    Thorax tehGREAT Ancient
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    Ya valve seems to try to seek to win at game play and orgnality rather that graphics. With valve they always bring something new to the table that ceases to amaze people. Valve could easily make GOTY if they felt like it.
  14. SPARTANZ77

    SPARTANZ77 Ancient
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    oh course it should have won,i mean i think all of those are fine games but it deserved to win
  15. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    Wow Gta 4 was a shitty sandbox game. All you did was the same missions over and over again with the same guns and cars and go on dates. The multiplayer sucks too you have to drive for 5 minutes to find someone to shoot at and free roam is just spawn kill deathmatch. I seriously don't see people saying "I'm going home to play some GTA 4." Which by the way how many people are still playing it? Nobody out of my 96 friends. Wonder how much Rockstar bribed Spike TV.
  16. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    According to one issue of game informer about a month or two ago, They had an article on games that online are barely surviving but were good games, and GTA 4 was barely hanging in there with the amount of people online, but it is going even more downhill.
  17. fabioisonfire

    fabioisonfire Ancient
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    That award show made me want to push an old lady down a flight of stairs.
  18. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    'says the saintsrow 2 fanboy'
  19. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    He does make a point about the lasting power of the game. Single player will only get you so a game better have a strong multiplayer if it's going to stick around a while. The multiplayer in GTA IV was a bonus feature, but not something strong enough to make it worth while.
  20. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    It's not bad, it's just different imo. It makes you pay attention more, because you really don't want to die and then spawn far away from the action. PLUS, if the host isn't a retard, he/she will make the match in a smaller section of LC like Happiness Island, then it can be very fun. It all depends on the host.

    Plus, the new dlc is coming out next year, which will add a lot of time on the the campaign.

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