It has come to my attention that out of the 11 months I've been here I have yet to make a proper introduction. So here it goes. Hi I'm Dylan, aka Xanon.Shanon. I am currently 16 going on 17 on February 3rd. I live in Fontana, California. That's Southern Calirfornia for those who can't read a map or have even heard the town's name. (Near Ontario) I'm Mexican American. Latino, whatever. I know very little spanish though. I enjoy, the mall, skinny jeans, sweaters, scarfs, band t-shirts (slim fit), C28 shoes, The Twighlight books, Halo 3, CoD4, and any other game I forgot to mention. I am Catholic although don't go to church as much as I probably should. I'm a Junior at my High school and maintain a solid 3.1 GPA. My favorite type of music is alternative. Coldplay, My Chemical Romance, Linkin Park, The Killers, The Flobots are the large majority of what I listen to. I'm not gay. I'm not a girl. I am called "Shanon" because Ivory Snake couldn't pronounce Xanon and came out as "Shanon". LOL Zombie heard him and started it. Then Insane, and so on and so forth. I heard of this site through BNet. It was front page news on it back in January. I joined for the heck of it. This actually the first and only forum site I joined. I have a myspace, and check it everday. Insane just recently got me to get Skype. Although my other computer with the embedded webcam and mic seems to be "out" at the moment. So I talk to Insane on Aim instead. My favorite movies are Juno, The Dark Knight, The Departed, The Matrix Trilogy, and Wall E. Anyways, sorry about the wall o text. But yea, hi. I think I covered the generalization of me. Edit: Insane is EPIC, AWESOME! and is leet geomerge map with interlockz. Elijah is my nephew. He is 4 1/2 months old. He is my sisters baby (19) ad I watch hi a lot. Even when Im playing Halo I still hold him and play with him. Yes Im mulge pro like that.
My birthday is February 2nd and I'm turning 17 to. =O I like the same music as you, scratch the Coldplay and My Chemical Romance. WE WERE MEANT FOR EACH OTHER!!!!
i can go with a fivesome (really depends who's there) *pulls cards out of pocket, and does a amazing xcm trick*
"hey mic how you doin?" "Oh zombeh!! Do you want to shbwaak all over her face??!?!" """LOL SHWWAAABBBKKKK
"what if like Insane54 was in deep thought and i was to and like Kidbomber was in deep thought and insane was in a deeper thought, and we were all in deep thought?" -Xanon
Yes, and then Insane stands there, and we and kidbomber make an awesome map sround Insane while he does his homework. We'll call it, Deep Thought. Just tad
Welcome to Forge Hub! Make sure you read the rules of the site and you will soon become well known..... Oh wait a minute! Your not a new member; Your an old member! Oh well; Mind as well continue, (Insert old generic member introduction here). So yeah... Have a nice time? When you get in a five-some with a bunch of people it's then called a **** one big **** party with a bunch of people. I should know this because doing it with school friends is really fun. lol. So yeah; With only yourself in the fun; Your playing with Jill. Two people in on the fun it's called Secks. Then comes a Three-some with people. After that, It's called a Four-some. And finally the best part comes around and you have an **** going on! lol.