
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Gradex, Dec 13, 2008.


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  1. Gradex

    Gradex Ancient
    Senior Member

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    By: xGradeXx

    Yes! Its finaly here! after over 3 months of testing to get all those bugs and dis-balances, and its Finaly done! The long awaited Infection game, surely bringing a new meaning to "Expanding Halos Arcade."​

    The Epic game Sector, plays along with the Virus game type. As your probably thinking, yes its Infection. It is based off the game "Dark Sector," in which you get infected, have a boomerang glave, can use guns, yadda yadda. I tried to make this game similar, by making the zombie starting out with a Sword and a Magnum. What makes this game different from other infection games, is that the Zombie can pick up guns (Just like in Dark Sector)!​

    The Game

    DEFAULT:The zombie has 300% Damage Resist, and does 200% Damage. All humans have 1 life, and normal traits. The game FORCES the humans to work together, as it is almost impossible to kill the zombie alone. Although you should change the Alpha Zombies Damage resistance according to how many people are playing.​

    # People ~ Dmg Resist
    2-5 ~ 200%
    6-10 ~ 300%
    11-16 ~ 500%​

    The Map

    The map itself is made on Cold Storage, and has many weapons and Equipment. It includes 2 Cloaks, 1 in the Human spawn and one further out. There are many stairways making it easier to get places, and a lot of hidden areas. There are Flares to blind the zombie, Deployable covers to.... well... Cover from the zombie, and many more. A large variety of weapons was used for both the humans and the zombie, from Assault Rifles to Sentinel beams (Yes, you heard me). Although it would be foolish for the Zombie to drop his sword, as that will be his main lifeline.​

    Weps + Equipment

    Assault Rifle x2

    Battle Rifle x4
    Spiker x1
    SMG x1
    Mauler x1
    Sentinel Beam x1​

    Plasma Grenade x4
    Firebomb x2
    Deployable Cover x1
    Flare x1
    Gravity Lift x1​

    The map is very fun to play, and a lot of people enjoy it. I played it in a random party, and all people said when it was over was "Again! Again!"​

    Zombie Spawn

    Human Spawn

    Mauler Spawn

    Human Spawn - Staircase

    Middle Room - Staircase

    Action Shots




    Thanks to my Testers: Whats a Scope, Elment, Cronik and Sh1zm0!​

    #1 Gradex, Dec 13, 2008
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2009
  2. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This looks pretty fun. I dont know If I would be able to make the jumps with an angry superstrong monster with a sword behind me =P. But I'm sure it will be good. DLing as I type this.
  3. Gun Down

    Gun Down Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map is sweet. Any forged map on Cold Storage is almost always an infection. The staircase idea is great and their no painful filters like normal. 5/5 Keep on forging
  4. Gradex

    Gradex Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the Comments. The stairways do give it a nice twist on the game play, and sometimes they can be used in sticky situations. The filters were thought-out to give it a spooky environment, the dark-colors, and the feeling of "oh, ****!." Try playing this at 12:00 AM with a party of 6-10 Players, and whenever someone gets killed they have to yell "YAAAAAAAAAHHHHHSDPOGHASDUGHAO:GHTAOD:G" into their Microphone. Trust me, it creeps the **** outta me.
  5. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Dunno how well I'll be able to do these jumps under pressure, but that's part of the fun. Where does the sentinel beam spawn? Hopefully closer to the humans than the zombie...
  6. Blazen Nite

    Blazen Nite Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Dude good job using cold storage. I like the idea of the steps. Ill look into this map
  7. Undead Fanatic

    Undead Fanatic Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I love the idea of one super strong bad ass hunting everyone down (excluding Fat Kid), and I thought Cold Storage was a bad map for infection. But I hate it one they get assassinated. I wish you could turn off assassinations.
  8. Gradex

    Gradex Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Tru dat. It would help so much.

    Thanks for the comments guys! This map stays active in my daily Halo3-ing, and im still enjoying it. Ive decided to open up a Feature to this, click the link at the top to request it!
  9. Wu pmouse

    Wu pmouse Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i have a question about the gametype (map looks great thats why), cant the zombie drop the sword for a better weapon that has range? (i dont get how the sword is a lifeline thats why) that is the only thing iffy about this (usually i just dl the map and use my own infection variant), get back to me on this please, anyways it looks very well done and looks like it took a lot of time, will dl as soon as i can (all slots are full right now)

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