Hello every one I need a little bit of help. See there was this time I had ever canvas map, then I deleted some of the cause I was like "Psh I'll never need these maps." Now I do. I came here remembering a time i saw a Stickied thread of canvas maps. I went there only to find most if not all were no longer downloadable. If this is to the odd broken link Bungie.net had a while back or if its because people just simple do not want these maps in their File Share. I would greatly appreciate it if I could get a canvas map of Guardian and Epitaph. As I was looking though the list I noticed the weren't any canvases of Boundless, Sand Tarp, or Epilogue. Someone may want these maps. =]
Mason Cain on the bungie site has canvases of everymap, i don't know about the TU2 ones, however. Unless you mean power canvas?
Oh no, thats not what i meant. But thanks anyway. Now if only Forge Hub would update said sticky with maps that are downloadable to stop further problems...
I dont think its worth the trouble to go through all this, It takes a maximun of 10 minutes to make one.