Rockstar Norths GTA4 just one game of the year on spike T.V.s 7th annual Video Game Awards. The runner ups were Little Big Planet, Gears of War 2, Metal Gear Solid 4, and Fallout 3. Do you think that GTA4 should have one? If you don't think it should have won, which game would you have chosen. Any games that should have made the runner ups? Converse...
I've only played GoW2 out of those five, so I can't really say who I think should've won. However, I was pretty sure that GTA4 would win. It garnered like $600,000,000 within its first week, making it the fastest selling form of entertainment ever.
My friend was pissed that GTA4 Won. He said LittleBig planet was more of a Better contender then GTA4, and should have one. I personally think LittleBig Planet of Fallout 3 should have won (and maybe MGS4)
It rightfully won. That game was amazing with a great storyline and the amount of detail in the game huge.
GTA IV was a lot of fun, the story line was truly epic. GoW 2 was a solid contender...I think it lost because many other good games came out around the same time as it wasn't able to build the same hype as GTA IV. Also: GTA IV is a multiplatform game, which makes it available to more folks, unlike GoW 2
I don't really think GTA4 should have won, but then I do think it should have. So much detail is put into the game, that mostly no one even knows about. Little things like character interactions, ragdolls,etc. make this game a huge franchise. I don't know much about LBP, more then it has some kind of Forge. GoW2 really just met the peoples demands, and thats it. GoW2 didn't really introduce anything new besides new gameplay, but no matter, its an award winning game in it self. Fallout3 is like a GTA4, but more interactive. The AI control is spectacular, and the game is so diverse. Though its not like GTA4 in a sense of replaying. After you beat the ****ing long ass story, theres nothing really to bring you back. GTA4 has the cars, the races, the missions, all that stuff makes people play it, and still have fun on their 931814 play.
Yeah, besides botchy as **** servers and **** on Live, GTA IV was really quite good. Left 4 Dead however, I mean, ****, what happened? Why is it like not even runner up? There were a lot of good games this year, but still none of those games really fit together did it? They weren't even in the same genre.
I agree, Left 4 Dead has been looked over by most gamers, but pretty much every review I've seen has been in the 9's or a 5/5
Honest, the first time I told my friends about a game called Left 4 Dead (around the time COD:5 came out) they called me a '***' I told them to watch the trailers and play the demo and ****, and they gave me a props the next day. **** Spike T.V.
No, GTA did not deserve it. The game just didn't have the magic a GOTY winner should. It got old and boring after time, for me at least, and you begin to realize that there isn't as much variety of things to do as you would think in a city that large. Multiplatforms and sales do not make a GOTY, they make a majorly overhyped game. I was glad I rented it, because I much rather spend $60 on other things. And ya, I overlooked L4D until I played the demo. Then, shame on me, I nearly forgot about the game as I played Gears of War 2, but now I realize how amazing that game is again, and pray I get it for Christmas.
Left 4 Dead should have been runner up or even have been game of the year. I got it the day it came out and I still love it. Its popularity will rise after christmas, though. It was voted best shooter and best multiplayer by G4.
This is my rundown. Remember this is all opinion, and i have played through all of these games. FALLOUT 3: In my opinion, this is one of the best games to come out since next gen gaming. You can play through this game hundreds of times, and still find new weapons, characters and locations. This game simply has a great lasting appeal. It also was a multi platform game. Sadly, it suffers from some pretty big technical problems. And since every thing else is amazing, you really notice the small problems. The lack of multiplayer was not a problem, Bioshock won it lasy year. I just think other games had more to offer. Metal Gear Solid 4: This game is truly amazing. The graphics are stunning, the voice acting is phenomenal, and the game play is unique, and, works how it should. You can tell the production values are high when you look at the length of the campaign, and all the detail crammed onto that blue ray disk. The cinematics play out like a movie, and you can really get into it. Thats what a good story mode is, one you can get into. I think that if this game had a better online, and was multi platform, it could have gotten game of the year. Sadly, it was on the PS3, which the Xbox outsold by more than half. Little Big Planet: LBP also suffered from the PS3 syndrome. The sales could have been tripled if it was multi-platform. This game is truly amazing though. The thing i like about it, is that its nothing like anything you have ever seen before. You don't even encounter any enemies. Straight up platforming is a nice change, rather than you average shoot 'em up FPS. The map editor is also fantastic. It's cool playing through a level made by the developers, and realizing you have the tools to make an even better one. But, i think that since Xbox Live is so damn popular, LBP was destined to be on the Xbox. Xbox Live just has a larger community. Plus, LBP has a lot of technical flaws, since its a platforming game based off of physics. Gear of War 2 Epic lived up to it's promise of Gears f War 2 being bigger, better, and more bad ass, but thats it. They really didn't change the formula, they just enhanced it. Gears of War has great graphics, but does suffer from some problems. Pop in is one of them. Although horde mode is great, it feels very repetitive, since they just keep pumping out the same wave. GoW2 just left me wanting more. I wanted a longer story mode, and an online that runs just as well as Halo 3 or COD4. To be honest, i was surprised it was even nominated. It was just not as ground breaking as i hoped. GTA4: This game is a true technological feet. Liberty city feels real, and you are Niko Belic. This game is just so damn immersive, it's not even funny. Maybe it's the peds having conversation, or maybe its just the city itself. What ever it is, Rockstar nailed it. Many people don't think this game should have won, well i do. C'mon, you and 16 other people ONLINE can fight in Liberty City. How the hell did Rockstar pule that off? The online is great, the story is amazing, and the engine is mind blowing. I don't know what else to say. GTA4 deserved it.
I do admit that GTA4 online play is extravagant, and unique, unlike any other. What it story lacks, its made up for its multiplayer. I really can't even hold in my expressions for all the fun I've had on that game. I can tell you whole 3+ hours of play step by step, move by move, laugh by laugh. Going on roofs, flying helicopters, seeing that Statue of Liberty's heart, searching for Ratman, looking for the ghost in the haunted house. Almost everything in story, besides the missions, were in the multiplayer, which made it extremely more fun. Rockstar executed the game perfectly, and it showed. It may not be GOTY material,(well spike thought it was) but its definitly a game to remember.
For people believing L4D should have won, it was not nominated for a single reason: Lack of content. You can argue that the 4 campaigns are infinitely replayable, and that it is completely balanced with the 5 weapons it has. However, it is the major complaint that all reviews talk about. I love the game and it is definitely one of the best games I have ever played, but the lack of content keeps it from winning GOTY.
Yes GTA 4 should have one the free mode is awesome driving is awesome.The cars are awesome Setinal!!FTW and im addicted to GTA race so much fun.